2| Unforgetful encounter (TW)

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TW⚠️Suicidal thoughts⚠️


A few days passed since the decision. Y/N had to do practice a lot for the auditions. Right now, it is currently the 31th of January. Time was going by so fast. Y/N was already good at singing, but learning and singing on Korean in this short amount of time was killing her.


Alright! This concludes our meeting. See you next time Y/N! And please try plugging your laptop next, thank you good night!

Yup. Thanks. You too.

*Checks clock* Damn... Already 8:30? I didn't even eat yet! I need a walk.

"Hey niki! Im going out and don't forget to do your laundry while I'm gone!"

"Alright sis wait are u gonna eat there?"

"Yes so don't heat up my food"


"Ugh... My head is killing me!!" Telling myself, as I close the door harshly, purely out of frustration and tiredness.

It feels good being out again. I wonder if they still have that food truck close to the park. I'm so hungry I didn't eat anything because I've been practicing Korean so much these past few days! Let's hope that truck is there...


"Finally, she's gone! I can finally start singing and dancing!" Saying to myself doing my little happy dance. "TIME TO SHINE NI-KI!"

I love singing. Especially dancing. Those are my passions. But because of how my mom, my dad and my schoolmates bullied me for doing those 2 things a long time ago, I'm scared that people still might bully me. I'm even scared that my own sister that loves and supports me since I was born would laugh at me. And yes, I know it's a stupid thought, however, I can't help myself but overthink.

 My parents were very abusive and every time they see or hear me sing and dance, they would beat me to a pulp. And once, my sister tried stopping them, she got hit with a metal rod. Last time I checked that thing was silver. But now, it's red. I always thought that maybe listening to music might help me ignore these memories, but not once did it work. 

I never told my sister because I know it'll make things worse, and I don't want her worrying about me. Especially after all the responsibilities she must do. She went through a lot of trouble just so she could take care of me by herself, considering her age. Atlas, things are a bit better, but of course financial problems had to come, which put my sister under a lot of stress lately. I try my best to be there for her, but my overthinking mind always tells me that she doesn't need my help. I can't help myself but cry every time I see my sister stressed or upset. 

Every day I wonder if I died, she would spend less money and she could survive. If I died, she could spend money for herself. I make scars on my arm every time that thought crosses my head. I wish people could understand that were trying. But we need time. I just hope that my sister gets accepted in that audition of hers.

Ok. Enough with the depressing thoughts. Let's sing and dance, shall we!



"Ahh finally. I found the food truck! I hope there still open. It usually closes at 9:15." " YES!!! I MADE IT ON TIME!" Saying in a verry happy and relieved tone.

What I love about this food truck is how cheap it is. I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth. And unfortunately, I didn't have a good childhood or ever had a childhood to begin with. My parents were abusive. Every day, I would see them get drunk and start beating me to a pulp for no damn reason. I always wondered if I killed myself, I would go to heaven, and I won't have to suffer anymore. 

But then, Ni-ki came along. I knew I had to be there with him, so he doesn't bear the pain by himself. Not wanting him to suffer what I did, alone. I always saw Ni-ki holding a sharp object up to his chest and saying that he would go to heaven, just like me. I put his sharp object down and let him know that he is not alone and that giving up would just make things worst. Every day was like this. Always spend their money on alcohol, beat us to a pulp, sleep, repeat. 

The way we screamed was loud that it was enough to let the neighbors next door know. So, one day, one of my neighbors had enough of hearing screams every single night. So, he decided to see what's going on. He knocked on the door, but it slightly opened at the same time. He let himself in. As he walked in, he could smell the strong and horrible smell of the alcohol and the blood stains every where. He followed the sounds of Ni-ki and I's screams from upstairs. As soon as he walked into my room, he called the cops. 

That's where we were brought into the system. But I didn't want to get adopted. I couldn't bear the thought of maybe getting separated from Ni-ki or the thought of getting adopted by abusive adoptive parents. 

So, I took matters in my own hands. I talked to the system about being Ni-ki's legal guardian. Since I was 18 and my brother was 15, it was most likely impossible. But I fought for 1 year and a half and I finally became his guardian. I was so happy that day I was crying tears of joy. I just wish I could relive that moment again. 

But the last time I cried I remember it being full of of sadness, frustration and stress. Financial problems are such a big issue that its driving me fucking mad. 

But hey, at least I have Ni-ki, a roof over our heads, food on the table and decent clothes. And maybe a high paying job! So, let's not get too depressed and go eat that good food!!



"Oh god that felt so good. Damn.. Already 10:00? Seems like its time to go home." Saying to myself, shocked by the time.

"Thanks for the food!"

I'm gonna take the long way home today.


Y/N was walking on the old and dusty trail to her home. She loved the feeling of the wind whistling and swaying her. The nature surrounding her, giving raw oxygen to her lungs so she could breathe the fresh air. She loved being free. Freedom. That's the word. Freedom. She was closing her eyes to the sound of the trees dancing in the wind and walking at the same time, as if she had eyes elsewhere to see where she was going.

Suddenly, she bumps into something hard as a rock right in front of her. She opens her eyes to see the most handsome and beautiful man you'll never see in your life.


Oh my god...


Hi guys!

Are y'all enjoying so far??

I wanted to pass 1000 and i did. I'm so proud of myself 🗿✨

But how are you guys doing? Hope u guys are doing well and STRAYKIDS ARE GOING TO SINGAPORE HELP- BUT WHY NOT CANADA 🗿💔

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