Burning memory 1: I am you big brother

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Naitsircø: Nightmare's lines in the memories will be visible even in the 3rd POV

\\:Third person perspective://

Today was a lucky day for our protagonist. At school, no teachers showed up due to a teachers' strike, resulting in Inu being at home to relax. There weren't any homeworks for the next day, so he could relax without worrying. With a wide grin, he would be laid on his bed playing with his 2DS, waiting for the time to go and pick up Lily.

Nightmare: Marcello, what are you doing?

Marcello: Playing.

Nightmare: Yeah, I can see that. But at what?

Inu: Mario & Luigi.

Nightmare: Which one?

Inu: Paper Jam.

Nightmare: Isn't that game really hated?

Inu: Yep.

Nightmare: Why?

Inu: Just because it has Paper Mario, making the timeline confused, or some shit. I don't care.

Nightmare: Ok...

And so, Nightmare just floated around Inu, a bit annoyed. But sometimes, he would look at his screen, observing what he was doing in the game. Sometimes, due to failing some missions or spending so much time trying to find some beans without success, it would irritate Inu very much, and this would go on for some time.

\\:1 hour later...://

After quite some time of doing the boss rush level, Inu finally managed to get to Dry Bowser without getting any party member knocked down and using no healing mushrooms. If he wins, he would get a perfect score for the challenge. Unfortunately, he got Mario knocked down at the last, and when he won, he didn't get the perfect score, resulting in 1 hour wasted for nothing.

Inu: I'm gonna break this junk.

Nightmare: It's just a game, buddy.

Inu: For gamers, this is EVERYTHING!

But before the situation about getting angry for a game, a voice from downstairs could be heard calling for Inu. It was the dominant entity in the house, the mother.

Barbara (Downstairs): Inu!

Inu: Yea?

Barbara (Downstairs): It's almost time! Lily will be off school in a couple of minutes.

Inu looked at the clock on his phone and realized that what his mom was saying was true, Lily was going to be off school in 20 minutes. Inu had wasted all the time playing Mario & Luigi, and he didn't even reach the perfect score. Luckily for Inu, he wasn't so much distant from Lily's school, so he wasn't going to make her wait for him...I hope.

Inu: Oh...I didn't notice the time...I'll be on my way!

Barbara (Downstairs): Ok! Be careful on the street!

And so, Inu got off his bed, turned off his 2DS, put on his clothes for going out, and finally, he put on his usual big yellow shoes that look like he stole those from Sora.

Nightmare: Do you think they will be bullying her again?

Inu: I hope not. If I see them bullying her...I'll make them pay.

With that, Inu walked out of his room and started walking towards the exit door with his keys. When he finally reached it, he extended his hand towards the doorknob, hoping that those worthless kids wouldn't be bothering Lily this time, and if they were...He wasn't going to be happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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