S1 CH1: A deadly welcome

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 Two weeks later

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Two weeks later...

\\:Third person perspective://

After what happened back to his world, Inu was no longer in his world. He was in some sort of coma, reliving the moments where things had gone wrong in his world. For him, time lost its meaning as the memory of him trying to protect his little sister and failing were consuming him mentally.

But, like everything, good or bad things come to an end. Finally, the loop of mental suffering shattered, letting our little hero Inu wake up in panic, making him ready to start an adventure.

Inu: Holy Bug in Pizza Box!

When Inu woke up, he was panicking, and that's understandable. He had just rewatched the memory of hearing his parents burn to death through the phone and watching petrified as his sister got impaled by a scythe, something not easy to forget. Although there was another problem to be added to the current situation.

Inu looked around and saw nothing but white. As his optical sensors were trying to understand where he was, but with no success, then Inu finally realized where he was. Inu was buried underneath a thick blanket of snow, looking like a snowy tomb. But Inu was still unaware of the "little" mechanical surprise that he was going to discover later.

Inu: Snow? No...It can't be real...It wasn't winter...And I wasn't outside...

With that confusion in mind and a surge of determination, Inu started to dig his way out of the snowy grave that surrounded him. While digging, Inu could feel a strong headache, probably due to the initial panic that he had when he woke up and the actual stress he is having right now.

Inu was making his way with his hands to the surface. It would be easy and fast if the snow wasn't thick and if he had more space to move his arms. It was even for the fact that he just woke up, so he feels a bit weak.

Inu: Holy trombone on a pogo stick...

After finally getting out of that frozen grave for him, he finally realized he wasn't where he thought he was, outside his house. His surroundings were an abandoned city, ruined buildings, and destroyed cars.

Inu was really confused with his eyes scanning his surroundings in confusion as he was trying to understand where he was. He was disoriented, and that disorientation was impaling him. That was more stress that was making his head hurt more.

Inu: Where...Am I? I thought I was-Ugh...My head...It hurts...

In that moment, the headache he was having was making him now remember things clearly. Those nightmares he was having weren't just simple nightmares. Those were the replay of the last things that happened in his world, making the fog in his mind go away, leaving the truth.

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