Setting up the House

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Katsuki's Pov:

I'm currently helping Deku move into the house Icy-Hot got him and our kids. It's honestly a beautiful house and it has lots of room. After graduation I think Icy-Hot, Shitty Hair, and I will come live here as well to be with our children. Still feels weird to think that. I have children. Two of them. Incredible. While packing everything up we found out that Deku had to sell almost all of his All Might merch to support the girls... the same All Might merch that he would literally put us in comas for if we broke or damaged them... The only pieces of merch he has left are from Icy-Hot, Shitty Hair, and I. He even sold his comforter, sheets, and pillow cases which were all All Might merch.

"Oi!! Where should I put these frickin' creepy notebooks? And are they Deku's or Tanya's?" I yell since I actually don't know. They really are super creepy... but if the combination of Tanya's hypothesis and her exploding towel experiment are to be believed, Mira's gonna have an explosion based quirk. So despite how terrifyingly creepy they are, they're really useful.

"Oh! Those are Tanya's, so put them in her room please. This is the second to last box you're unpacking, so we're almost done!" Dunce Face says cheerfully. It's almost disturbing how he can go from being a carefree idiot to a responsible adult capable of caring for his nieces depending on where he is. At school no one would suspect that he'd be capable of doing parental shit, but here he is, helping raise his non-biological nieces as though he had twenty years of experience as a full time parent. He's super responsible and shit.

"Tch, whatever. Why don't you just act like this all the time, Dunce Face? At school you always seem like a dumba- erm, a dumb butt who is incapable of being independent, but here you are acting like a full on adult who has experience in the real world? Wouldn't it just make it easier if people knew you were like this?" Grape Hair, Dunce Face, and Deku all go quiet, too quiet. I must've said something stupid, not including saying dumb butt instead of dumbass. I only did that because if you swear in front of the kids, Deku is utterly terrifying... way worse than that time I broke his limited edition All Might Figurine.

"It's- ah- I mean-" Dunce Face seems to be struggling with his depression, though I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't spent the past week around these idiots. "Can we just not talk about that...?"

"Uh... shit, yeah, I didn't realize it was a sensitive topic or whatever" I've gotten much better at apologies over the years, so unlike when I was younger, I can admit when I was being a fucking idiot.

"Mama, wut's a shwit? I cwan't find it in my dictwionary." Oh. Shit. I'm so dead. Tanya overheard me swearing. Deku looks at me with a death stare, then leans down to Tanya.

"That's a very bad word, Darling. Papa shouldn't have said it and you're far too young to have heard it. It's one of the words your uncles and I used white out on in your dictionary. Don't say that word again, okay?" Tanya is horrified that she swore, vowing with all her heart to NEVER say it again.

"Yo, Bakubro? You really should run. Like, leave now while you have the chance." Dunce Face says, looking traumatized. 

"Oh, he's not getting away that easy~" Oh dear God... they weren't lying when they said to swear in front of the girls was as least twice as fatal a mistake as breaking one of his All Might Figurines first year. 

Author's Note

SERIOUSLY! I need ideas! And should I even continue the series? Are people actually reading this? Should the next story be the girls meeting the Todoroki family, the Bakugo family, or the Kirishima family? But thank you to all those reading my shitty story, it's probably sad how happy it makes me when I realize this story has views that aren't from me. Thank you so much :')

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