It's okay, Izuku

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Izuku's Pov:

Finally, I'm back home from work. And Minoru and I are gonna help Denki out soon, seeing as we have a DT meeting in fifteen minutes. I walk up to my house and open the door, shocked at what I find in my living room. Kacchan and Ei-, I mean Kirishima-Kun, are asleep on the couch, cuddling. I mean, the cuddling part doesn't surprise me, Eijiro- I mean- Kirishima-Kun openly loves cuddles and while Kacchan hides it, so does he. And Sho- I mean Todoroki-Kun does too. All three of them are in my living room, two of them asleep, and one eating cold soba while sitting on the floor. A very dirty floor that has obviously been through a lot.

"Oh! Zuku, you're back! I'll reheat some of the curry we had for dinner!" Minoru says, smiling at me. I'm about to protest, but he cuts me off. "Don't worry about using up groceries, on the way here they brought the girls to the mall- with Denki and I supervising, of course- and then did some food shopping. Todoroki stole his dad's black card again, so now the house is good on groceries for a while and the kids got new stuff." I blink in shock, but before I can respond he leaves to reheat curry. I turn to the heterochromia male eating soba on the floor.

"Thank you for all of this, Todoroki-Kun. I can find a lower chair so you can eat at the table if you'd like. The ones the girls use are high up so they can reach the table." He slurps up the last of his soba out of the bowl, getting up.

"It's no problem, Izuku. I wanted to get them new things... and I wanted to get you new things. I still do, for all three of you. Also, you can just call me Shoto, like you did before acting cold." His expression and tone haven't changed, but there's somehow a comforting warmth behind his words, like he's saying I haven't ruined my relationships with the class. Oh shoot, I can feel tears welling up behind my eyes. I don't cry where people outside the DT can see or hear me. He smiles softly, ruffling my hair, putting his empty bowl and chopsticks down on the unsteady side table, then kissing the top of my forehead softly, like I did to Mira and Tanya.

"I..." I don't know what to do or say and a single tear silently trails down my cheek. He steps closer, pulling me into a gentle hug.

"It's okay, Izuku. We're here for you and our children." He says and I finally break down, tightly returning the embrace, sobbing quietly enough that the girls wouldn't hear me, but it was enough to wake Kacchan and Ei- Kirishima-Kun. Why could I never get out of the habit of calling them their first names? Or in Kacchan's case, his nickname?

"Oi... are you okay? Why are you crying, Nerd?" Kacchan asks, earning him a shock from Denki for calling me 'nerd'. He and E- Kirishima-Kun come over, worried.

"We're here for you, Izu! Anyone who isn't or wouldn't be here for you is completely unmanly!" Kirishima-Kun says, putting a hand on my shoulder and smiling reassuringly at me.

"Th-thank you all so much! I th-thought you'd hate me..." I hope the girls can't hear me, I can't seem to stop crying. Eijiro- er- Kirishima-Kun and Kacchan join the hug, all three of them murmuring reassurances.

"The hweck you twee doing to my Mama!" Comes a voice in the hallway, followed by a grenade being thrown in this direction, more specifically, towards her fathers. I envelope the grenade in blackwhip right before it explodes, so there isn't any damage to anything or anyone.

"Mira. You know better than to throw grenades." I sigh, my tone softening as I go over to the girls, no longer crying, and kneel down in front of them. "They weren't hurting me in any way, shape, or form. I suppose I was crying from the combination of too many emotions being locked up for too long and the sudden wave of relief I felt when I realized I was wrong. They were helping me"

"Oh, sorry. I jwumped to concwusions when I saw Mama cwying. I've nwever seen Mama cwy..." Mira looks away sheepishly, apparently not realizing that she's holding her teddy bear. She hates anyone knowing that she sleeps with a stuffed animal and won't even let Denki and Minoru see it. She must've been really concerned for her to forget to hide it...

"I apowogize as well. I shwould have stwopped Mira before somethwing happened such as the gwenade.  I cwould give you some idweas for qwuirk improvement stwategies for 3A in apowigy if you'd like, though I cwan't think of anythwing for Mama at thwis time." Tanya tells us, already taking out her notebook. 

"That's alright, girls. I don't actually have the authority to decide whether or not you're in trouble, but standing up for people is always manly! At your age, I would've just cried if I saw my mother crying..." Eijiro- er- (ugh, why can't I get it right!?) Kirishima says, evidently proud of the girls for sticking up for me. 

"Alright, girls. It's way past your bedtime. Let's get you to bed" I say, Kirishima and Kacchan now awake, Minoru and Denki in the doorway to the kitchen, both smiling softly with Minoru holding curry, and for some reason, Shoto is extremely immersed in his phone, then lets out a satisfied sigh, putting it away. 

I tuck the girls in and come back to the living room, starting to eat the reheated curry. It's so good, though it's also nostalgic since I can tell Kacchan made it. My guess is they wanted to do something and wouldn't stop bugging Minoru and Denki, so they let Kacchan make dinner and probably found some other task for the other two.

"So, Izuku, I have a pleasant surprise" Shoto says, smirking strangely, though I suppose there isn't a way for him to smirk without it being strange. He sometimes gives soft smiles, but smirks are very rare. Everyone else looks equally confused at this, so I guess no one knew.

"What are you talking about? If you bought me something, you really didn't have to. I'll pay you back, I have a little more money since I don't have to get groceries, but it isn't that much, so I'll probably have to figure out a weekly pay, but I'll add interest..." I keep mumbling until Denki gets annoyed and puts a clean washcloth in my mouth.

"Stop with that. Also, isn't it rude to try to pay back a gift~ 🥺" Denki says, knowing how to get to me. "I don't know what his surprise is, but you don't need to pay him back, Zuku. It'd be rude~" He turns to Shoto "Wait, what is the surprise?" Shoto's smirk grows and we all become unnerved. He holds up his phone, a picture of a beautiful four-point-five star rated house on it, obviously expensive. Underneath the photo it says SOLD.

"I bought you a house."

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