The unexpected connection

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Interviewer: What was Fern like?

Brother: Oh, Fern was someone who deeply cared for others, especially her family and close friends. She had a physically strong presence despite her slim figure. She was a kind-hearted girl who constantly worried about everyone. For example, if you were in the bathroom and there was a loud noise, she would burst through the door to make sure everything was okay. Even if you were too quiet, she would check on you. When Fern left, it was incredibly challenging for us to adjust. She was like the chain that held our treasure box together, keeping us tightly connected. But now, without her, it feels like everything is open and uncertain.

Interviewer: How did you cope with the loneliness?

Brother: We spent a lot of time in her room. For months, we kept doing the same activities every day. But one day, we stumbled upon her diary. Well, I stumbled upon it since I was the only one at home. I couldn't resist the temptation to read it first, hoping to gain more insight into her thoughts and feelings.

Fern's diary
"I know that I have only a short time to live, but I don't have the courage to tell my family yet. Maybe I can wait until it becomes more visible? Will it hurt them less that way? Ugh, I hate being treated like a dying person. It's awful to already be dying and be treated as such. No, thanks!"

Interviewer: But that's her diary and her privacy.

Brother: Let me ask you, if you had the chance to know your sister better through her words, wouldn't you take it? Even if it meant invading her privacy a little?
(At the event, Fern's brother talking to himself imagining fern is listening)
Laughs softly I know she would probably try to destroy my game if she knew I read it, but sis, just this once, let me go through your things, please? I miss you. (Holds the book tightly and cries)

So, please understand that I value privacy, but if you were in my shoes, what would you do?

Interviewer: (unable to say anything)

/ PAST (from the beginning) /

2020..... FERN'S POV

Hey there! I'm Fern, a high schooler in 7th grade. I'm 13 years old and the vice president of our class. The class president happens to be a boy. Let me tell you, my 7th grade experience isn't really something to remember. It feels more like I'm still an elementary student, and I hate it. We were told that our generation would have to attend online classes because of some virus going around.

As the vice president, I was expected to fulfil my duties, but our homeroom teacher didn't provide much guidance. The teacher just let me take charge of the whole class. It wasn't really my job, you know? Well, kind of, but not really. I was supposed to assist the president, but I ended up taking on both roles.

I sent messages and information on the president's account, trying to get him to do his tasks. But all I got in return was being viewed and ignored. I sent him so many messages, but I had enough of his behaviour. So, I stopped. Two months later, I was announced as a leader in a group, and guess who was on my team? Johan, the president. I couldn't ignore the fact that he wasn't participating in a project. I worried that he wouldn't get graded if he didn't do the project with us. When I messaged him, he ignored me again. That's when I decided not to care about him anymore. I was just annoyed by the way he treated me.

Two months later, out of nowhere, he sends me a message. I saw the notification on my phone and I talked to myself... "What does this churlish colt want??..."

November 10, 1:43 am
Good morning, Fern. I'm sorry for not replying to your messages and updates. I wanted to thank you for keeping me informed. I have some news to share with you. I have transferred to another school in Busan, which is why I haven't been in contact with anyone from our previous school. I hope you understand. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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