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𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐄 had slowed down once they got back into the arch. She didn't know why. Annabeth took her place holding Percy up, they hurried through and climbed into the small elevator.

The pain had become stronger. Birdie slumped down into the seat and held her side. "What was that back there? What did you hear?" Percy asked, panting "she spoke to you. Alecto did that with me back in the museum in New York. What did she say?"

The door shut as they saw Echidna and a monster following after her. "Was that the Chimera? I think.. I think that was the Chimera. How did the Chimera even get inside here? How did any monster get inside here?" Grover rambled "Annabeth?" Percy said. "We're in a sanctuary. Athena would have had to let her in, but why would she do that?" "Annabeth! What did Echidna say to you?"

"She said my impertinence wounded my mother's pride. And that that will be my doom."

"Impertinence? What kind of--" Percy paused "Medusa's head" "I embarrassed my mother" Annabeth said, Birdie stayed quiet. She was focused on trying not to cry. She wasn't going to tell them what she was told. "But I'm the one who sent the head to Olympus. I signed the note" "and I went along with it. We both did. It embarrassed her. Now, she's angry" Annabeth responded as Birdie sunk down deeper into her seat, breathing heavily.

"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked, finally noticing what was happening to her older sister.

"Athena has declared that I am not worthy to be her daughter. If I'm so scared of pain, then it shall burden me in the moments I need to be strong" Birdie repeated the words whispered to her, blood now held onto her hands, seeping through her shirt.

Annabeth looked at her in a way she hadn't before.

"Guys, what are we gonna do?" Grover asked, Annabeth looked away from Birdie "she isn't gonna help us when we get to the top to save Percy" "no, I meant, what are we gonna do about Echidna and Chimera? They're gonna be right behind us."

The bell dinged and they all climbed out "we're not gonna have much time. They'll be up here any minute and if my mother isn't going to protect us, then we'll just have to fight it out up here" Annabeth said, Grover helped Percy up the stairs while Birdie slowly walked behind them.

They reached the top and stared at everyone "oh, no. We gotta get everybody outta here" Grover said, Birdie leaned against the wall, feeling herself become weaker. Annabeth pulled the fire alarm.

"You, Birdie, and Percy follow them down" Annabeth said as everyone began to rush out "what? No, no, no. W-- we're not splitting up" Grover replied, shaking his head "Grover, come on" "no. No, no, no, no, no, we're all getting out of here together" Percy agreed with Grover.

Birdie slid down to the ground, she watched Annabeth push the boys forward.

"Masie-- Bird-- where's Birdie?" she heard Percy say.

She closed her eyes. All she wanted was her mother. All she needed was her mother. She needed her mother to act like one. No mother should abandon her child. And tell her child she is not worthy to be hers. A mother that does that is not worthy of being a mother. Every child deserves parents, not all parents deserve children. Athena did not deserve Birdie-Mae.

"Just be a mother and help us" Birdie whispered. She knew that Athena wouldn't do anything. If she wouldn't help her brave daughter, there was no chance she would even bother helping the coward that bore her blood. The coward that was too afraid. The coward that deserved nothing.

Annabeth pulled Birdie up, hurrying back to Percy and Grover. She pushed Birdie into the stairwell. "Okay, help him down the stairs and get him to the river, find something to fix her. And don't stop. Not till you get to Hades, not till you have the bolt, do you hear me?" Percy shook his head "Annie" Birdie said as she went to close the door "wait," Percy said, he took out his pen which transformed into his sword "take this" he held the sword up to her.

Her hand touched the hilt and Percy moved. He let go of Grover, he turned them around, he pushed Annabeth back, he shut the door.

"Percy!" Birdie yelled, falling forward against the door. "Hey! Percy!" the three banged the door "Percy, please!" "Percy, no! Don't do this. They'll kill you!" "Poseidon's never helped me before. He wasn't gonna start now" "Percy!"

"I would've never made it to Hades" "Percy? Percy, please" "but you can. And now you will."

Birdie banged the door with her first. She wanted to scream.

"Percy! Percy, do you hear me?"

"Percy, you can't do this own your own!"

"Open the fucking door!" Birdie shouted, banging on the door again "Percy, please!"

Everything began to blur. Her vision, her hearing. Everything was blurry. It was different than her usual zoning out blur. This wasn't right.

Everything went black.

𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐥𝐚 𝐫𝐮𝐞Where stories live. Discover now