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"Mini golf?" You ask, a brow arched in confusion. It's been nearly three months since you had met the three of them at Josies. You've had weekly get together with the three of them plus a few one-on-one lunches and outings with Karen. Doing something other than Josies would be fun.

Karen's laugh met your ears followed by an affirmative.

"Well, technically bowling, followed by mini golf, followed by pizza, followed by the arcade. It's Foggy's idea. He thinks we should all just hang out without being in a bar." She spoke, sounding excited.

You hum, a large smile crossing your lips as you clap your hands excitedly.

"Oh! Yes! I'm totally in. Matt too, right?" You want to make sure that this was something he was looking forward to as well.

Karen chuckles. "Yup! He actually enjoys bowling. Golf's a little harder, but he has us, so it'll be fine!"

You giggle and nod along, even though she couldn't see you.

Then you frown.

You glance over your shoulder towards where you knew Peter was. He was completely immersed in a movie he was watching.

You only had him for another three days. Could you leave him by himself for a few hours while you went out?

As if sensing your dilemma, Peter turned with a small smile.

You had Karen on speaker, so he had heard the whole conversation.

"Go! Have fun! I think I can handle being by myself for a while."

Karen gave a hum of confusion. "Oh? Who's that?" Her curiosity leaking through the phone.

Peter's grin widened. "Hi! I'm Peter! I'm the little brother! Nice to voice-meet you!"

You snort at the same time Karen does.

"You weren't wrong. He sounds adorable." You could imagine her smile as she spoke.

You reach out and ruffle Peter's hair. He leans into it, loving the feeling of your nails massaging his scalp.

"Oh, trust me. He's like a puppy. Downright adorkable." You confirm.

"So, tomorrow, three o'clock? You can meet us at the firm, and we can all walk there together."

You lean back into the couch and continue to run your fingers through Peter's hair. He made it easier by placing his head into your lap.

"It's a date, Miss Page."


You glance down at the ball in your hands with a frown. It was heavy. You and Karen had been unable to find any of the ten pound or less balls, which sucked.

"Please tell me you know how to bowl." Foggy begs as he gazed at you.

You frown and shoot him a glare. "You shut your pie, Fog. I'm average at bowling. It's just this ball. I have to use a fifteen-pound ball because that family over there took the last light one." You huff and gesture towards the family of five a few lanes to the right of yours.

You catch Matt's smile, and he tries to hide his amusement by taking a sip of his beer.

Karen sets the beer pitcher down after pouring herself a glass.

"I'll have you know, we got together just last week to bowl, Foggy, she's better than I am."

Foggy startles and places his hand over his heart. "You guys went bowling and didn't invite us?!" He over exaggerates his pout. "Not cool!"

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