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"You're kidding!" Karen exclaimed in shock, eyes sparkling as she grinned at you.

You lean forward even more, as if the two of you were sharing a deep dark secret.

But no. It was just some juicy gossip.

You let out a giggle, hand coming up to sniffle the laugh, a large smile covering your lips.

"Nope! She really said that!" Your eyes travel from her to the pool table just to your right.

You and Karen had stepped back while the boys took their turn, sitting at one of the taller tables against the wall, drinks in hand as you gossiped.

Karen never lost her grin as she raised a well groomed brow.

"I was curious as to why you were so pissed at your coworker. What a bitch!"

You throw your head back, unable to resist the laugh that burst free from your lips.

"I know! The people at work tried to warn me about her, but I hate taking in what people say about others. I like to judge people myself. My best friend is kind of anti-social and can come off as cold and calculating. But to me and my family, he's so kind and caring. I adored him."

You watch as Foggy leaned over the table to take a shot and giggle when his tongue pokes out the side of his mouth in concentration.

As he misses his shot you stand up from your bar chair with a wince in sympathy.

"Oof. Bummer. My turn!"

Foggy pouts and you stick your tongue out at him as you took your cue.

You stand there with one hand on your hip, cue in your other with a look of determination.

"Now... I will probably suck ass at this. I've never played pool before. Which balls do I hit?" You cock your head and Foggy stared at you in shock.

"What!? Never played before? Where did you live? Under a rock?"

You wave your hand and approach the table to eye your targets.

"No, I just have no social life. It's one of the main reasons I came out tonight, to have some fun. Maybe make some friends." You say softly.

Karen stepped up and slid her arm over your shoulder. "Well, mission accomplished. Now no real skill is needed here between us. We all kind of suck. Just aim for the striped ones and leave the 8 ball for last."

Foggy snorted. "Says You! I happen to be great at hitting balls into holes. Matt here though," He places a hand on Matt's shoulder. "Matt truly sucks."

Matt let out a grunt. "Hey!"

You grin as the two begin to bicker and turn back to the table. You narrow your eyes down at the balls. "Alright. I can do this."


You grin widely and sit back in your seat with a grin.

"Don't be such a sore loser, Foggy." Karen scolds.

"What!? Oh, come on. It had to have been beginner's luck. No way she can be that good without having ever played before." He waved his hand in your direction, eyes narrowed. He points toward your chest, shaking his finger at you.

"Did you lie? Are you secretly a pool champion?"

You let out a snort and try your best not to be too loud. "Nope! Honestly. Never played before." You look away and smile as a waiter put the food down in front you. You thank him.

"She's not lying." Matt spoke up, a small smile on his lips as he listened to you and Foggy argue back and forth.

Foggy eyes Matt for a moment before relenting. "Fine. But I demand a rematch!"

Homeward Bound | Matt MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now