From Fan to Forever: An age-gap celebrity romance

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Hi readers! I hope you enjoy this gift of steamy f/f romance scenes. 💕 I'll share them periodically over the coming weeks. All of them are excerpts from my published novels, which are out in ebook and paperback formats.

So, on with the first story: From Fan to Forever, an age-gap celebrity romance. Feel free to mentally replace Cate with the middle-aged actress you have a crush on. 😉

Heat level: making out


When medical physics student Rachel meets her celebrity crush, she can hardly believe her luck. Cate Whitney, the gorgeous and talented middle-aged actress, needs help preparing for her role in a film about Marie Curie, and Rachel is just the person to help her. Could these sparks lead to something more? And is Rachel ready for the pressure of dating an A-list actress?

Let's drop in on the chapter where Rachel finds herself alone in a hotel room with Cate after a disastrous night at an awards show. Cate's ex-husband, Phil Niles, just finished embarrassing Rachel in front of everyone.


The biggest gift basket I've ever seen is on the coffee table in our suite. Premium alcohol brands and truffles peek through the clear wrapping. Why is it that rich people get all the free stuff?

The suite has multiple rooms, as promised—full kitchen, living room, conference table, massive bathroom, two bedrooms.

A two-person tub is by the far wall, which is entirely a window overlooking a gorgeous California beach. My face burns as I take in the romantic setup around the tub—bubbles, champagne, glasses, mood lighting. They've even provided a basket of rose petals. The ceiling above it twinkles with crystals.

"I can't believe you get to stay in places like this," I say, ogling the suite. "When I was growing up, we stayed in budget hotels."

"Oh, I stayed in budget hotels as a kid, too. Then, somewhere along the way, I got lucky and Hollywood wanted me. I mean, I say lucky, but there are drawbacks to this life. Things were a lot simpler back in the budget hotel days."

I wait for her to go on, wanting a glimpse into her childhood, but she saunters to the tub and tosses a handful of rose petals in the air like confetti. "Can't complain about swanky accommodations and gift baskets, though. Should we open this?" She examines the champagne.

"I feel like I've had enough champagne for today. Think the mini bar has ingredients for Moscow Mules?"

She grins. "Let's find out. I'm in the mood to get drunk."

"You and me both."

Both of us are forcing casual tones. I don't mind it. At some point, maybe it'll stop feeling forced and we can forget about that godawful incident.

I scan the mini bar and menu, debating whether to order food. My stomach is in a knot but I'm also starving.

"I'll have room service bring up a feast," Cate says, making the decision for me.

While I scan the mini bar, she picks up the phone and asks for sushi, spaghetti, grilled cheese and fries, tacos, and brownies.

When she hangs up, I point to the gift basket, "This is more exciting than the bar."

Cate peers through the clear wrapping. "That's a lot of samples. Is that absinthe?"

I wrinkle my nose. "Yes, and it's triggering memories of bad decisions."

"Should we dissect the basket and try everything?"

"Dissections," I say with interest. "You know how to talk dirty to a medical student."

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