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Abhi's POV

In the midst of a sorrowful city, I hastily escape.
Enduring eternal woes, I take flight.

Along the banks of the river Kosi, I scramble, breathless... turning left, making my way northward, navigating in the shadows.

Relentlessly, they pursue me, their footsteps growing louder now as they hunt with relentless determination.

Here all their hesitation must be left behind as they pursued me.

I came up hard against iron gate at the base of stairs of an abandoned building while running away from them. I turn the handle and step into the passage from which I know there will be no return.

The voices still echoing from below, downstairs. They're behind me, unyielding, closing in.

They do not understand what is coming... nor what I had done for them - Ungrateful people!

As I climb, the visions came clear... There resides my life, my everything.

People told me again and again, "What you've done is madness!"

Madness begets madness.

"For the love of God," a woman shouted entering the room, the visions again became all unclear, "tell me where you've hidden her!"

I glanced back, finding no one. Relief washes over me - she is safe, she is alive and she is breathing.

For precisely the love of God, I will not.

I stand now, cornered, my back to the cold stone wall. They stare deep into my clear eyes, and their expression darken, no longer cajoling, but threatening. "You know we have our methods. We can force you to tell us where is she."

For that reason, I have climbed halfway to reach heaven.

Without warning, I turn and reach up, curling my fingers onto the high ledge, pulling myself up, scrambling onto my knees, then standing... unsteady at precipice. Guide me, dear Lord, across the void.

They rushed forward in disbelief, wanting to grab my feet, but now it's all too late. They shouted, they begged, in quiet desperation, but I have turned my back. I know what I must do.

You will never locate her in time. She is mine!

I ran to my safest abode where she resides, where my heart is!

She is my gift of future.
My gift of salvation.
My gift of smile.
My love!

xxxxxxxxxx POV ENDS xxxxxxxxxxx

I know it's too short but you'll know soon what is it.

From whom Abbis running away?

Who is the woman?

Who is her?

Who are the people behind him?

You have more questions than these, and I am here to answer you, just hour patience and everything will get revealed.

The next chapter will be released soon!

Stay tuned!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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