(Chapter 25)

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Edith couldt lie and say it wasn't a bit embarrassing when she could've caught the poor hobbit but didn't she was right next to him when it happened also and she felt horrible that she left him fall but everyone has there moments.

Though it did spark the dwarves amusement that he actually fainted though she could not blame the poor hobbit.

Edith watched as they picked Bilbo up placing him in a chair Dori soon went out of his way to brew him a herbal tea

Dori soon came back around with two cups of tea he looks at Edith with a smile "Would you like some?" He asked politely

She nodded as to not be rude and took the cup when he handed it to her "Thank you master dwarf" she said with a slight nod

Dori walked away to Bilbo to hand him the tea while Edith stood in the kitchen she was thankful for the tea until she tasted it.

Her face scrunched up slightly it didn't taste pleasant at all though she didn't want to be rude she looked around before pouring the tea out she felt bad but at least he was very kind and offered her some.

She looked around for something else to take away the distaste from her mouth though she did not find anything.

Some of the dwarves were not as fond with her but they were going to share the journey with Edith so they would have to at least be a bit kind.

When Edith turned around she was shocked to see Kili behind her with a raised brow "Don't fancy tea?" He asked her tried to look serious but his tone said other wise

Edith looked at him a bit awkwardly before answering "I do not mean to offend, but it tastes off..." she didn't want to say it tasted nasty though indeed it did not taste nice.

But she wanted to stay respectful then again she already had to earn the respect of half of them going around and saying Dori's tea tasted awful would probably make them dislike her more than some ready did

"I'm just messing around I don't like his tea either though Fili seems to like very much" he answers with a smile

Edith felt better knowing someone else did not fancy his tea either, she took a moment to scan his features just slightly he seemed oddly familiar though something about his personality reminded her of someone.

He had dark brunette hair and his brown eyes were unlike his brothers he had a short beard which showed he must've been young.

Bilbo and Gandalf seemed to be having a conversation of their own so she did not bother them.

She followed Kili into the main room where a fire was lit casting a nice glow on everyone she hung back a bit looking at everyone though she could not lie and say she was mostly looking at Thorin.

He looked good...

The room was a bit quiet only the sound of the crackling fire and low conversation that Edith could pick up perfectly were heard until a low hum began coming from Thorin. After a moment he began to sing his voice was deep yet soft at the same time.

"Far over the Misty Mountains cold"

"To dungeons deep and caverns old"

"We must away, ere break of day"

"To seek are old enchanted gold."

Some of the other dwarves soon fell into the same rhythm singing as well the song held so much meaning they were obviously talking about dragon fire. The song started to make her feel slightly drowsy.

"The pines were roaring on the heights"

"The wind was moaning in the night"

"The fire was red, it flaming spread"

"The trees like torches blazed with light"

The son soon ended and the dwarves were now picking spots to sleep some were lucky enough to get to sleep in the comfortable chairs and some not.

Though Edith took the floor along side the others she didn't fancy sleeping on the floor much but at least she had fang.

He cuddled up next to her and she was already feeling drowsy the sound of the crackling fire was starting to lull her to sleep

She listened to the sound of the fire crackling and it was peaceful she was slowly drifting off though not completely yet she used her pack as a pillow the room was warm she laid a bit more closer to the fire.

Fang seemed to be fast asleep though that's what he's done most of the day, he ate plenty that's for sure maybe too much since he had fallen into a deep slumber.

She was starting to actually fall asleep when her eyes opened once again hearing heavy boots walk past her and descend out into the hall.

Of course it was Thorin she did not even need to look to know who it was soon after that she seemed to fall asleep thinking off what the journey may with hold for her.

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