Character Designs I: Firepaw, Princess, Filou, Cloverpaw, and Luna

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Hey everyone! This is the very first edition of Character Designs. Basically, whenever I reach a landmark reads count, I'll put out both written and illustrated designs for characters. This first time, it's the firgang... er, I need a better name for it than that, but, it's Firepaw and Cloverpaw's sibs, and in birth order.

First up, everyone's favorite flame-colored hero, Firepaw! This guy, I feel, is pretty cannon, as most everybody sees him like this. Here's a written headcannoned description:

Normal-sized emerald green eyes. Whenever he's excited—which is often—they widen a little bit, giving him a funny happy-startled look. They used to get REALLY BIG when he was a kit... but it's faded off by chapter fifteen, so he's a full-grown firefly. Sometimes Firestar is tabby and sometimes he isn't... my brain doesn't like deciding which, ahah. I think for now, though, he at least has faint tabby markings. He definitely has different "layers", so to speak, of different orange-tinted fluff. He's slightly taller than normal and long-furred, thanks to his father, Jake! Jake was of the Somali breed, and some of those genes transferred on to his first-born. (And yes, he does have a white patch on his chest that looks like a flame, sorry not sorry.)

Here's an illustrated Firepaw!

Next, Princess! Fun fact, she and Firestar are the only ones out of their littermates—at least in headcannon world—to not have long fur

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Next, Princess! Fun fact, she and Firestar are the only ones out of their littermates—at least in headcannon world—to not have long fur. Go figure. Anyways, she also has green eyes, and they're just a little lighter than Firestar's emerald green ones. She's tabbied and rather beautiful, just like her little sister Luna. She's a pale creamish-brown color, and unlike Firestar, she's just normal cat height. There's this thing that cats often do called chickening, and I imagine she'd do that to her kits. Also, it's her side of the line that gives Cloudtail his fluffy fur—not her mate's (and, I like to imagine that contrary to popular headcannon, Smudge was her mate... just because I can lol. I think Firboi would be happy that his best kittypet friend and sister are a thing). She has really soft fur and fluffy paws. She's a lot like Spottedleaf, both in her mannerisms and personality, which I think is one of the reasons Firestar fell for the infamous ThunderClan medicine cat.

Here she is!

Here she is!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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