Chapter 7

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The badger was big and black and had seven rows of razor-sharp teeth. It was taller than the trees, its black-and-white form bulky yet thin. Its eyes glistened in the light, and it directed its huge paw towards the fire-colored apprentice, swinging it with such ferocity Firepaw knew he would be knocked over, ending only with a prod to the side.


Another prod. "Wake up, mouse-brain," the creature growled, and Firepaw realized he was dreaming. His eyes snapped open to see Dustpaw standing in front of him, the corners of the older tom's mouth tugging downwards in an annoyed frown. "Took you long enough," he harumphed before turning on his tail and gesturing with his head for Firepaw to follow him.

Quickly stretching, Firepaw squeezed out of the space between Cloverpaw and Graypaw, shaking out his fur at the entrance. The sun wasn't even up, and the pre-dawn glow up above the walls of the ravine was the only source of light for the whole camp.

Trotting after the mud-colored tom, Firepaw was brimming with excitement, and he couldn't help but imagine how excited Cloverpaw would've been if he could've come... still, Cloverpaw hadn't really been a fighter. Despite how antagonistic he could be, he wasn't really the claws-out, teeth-ready type of cat.

"Do you guys often do this kind of meeting?" he asked the older tom, inclining his head slightly due to the height difference.

Dustpaw gave a half-shrug, seemingly not fully awake... but Firepaw suspected it had something to do with Dustpaw's disliking him. "Depends. I haven't been an apprentice for much longer than Graypaw, so I don't know all of the details, but we've had meetings seven or eight times already.

Whoa. "Seven or eight times?" Dustpaw merely nodded. "What do you do at the meetings?" Firepaw inquired, following behind the tom as he climbed up the path at the side of the ravine. 

The brown tom narrowed his eyes at Firepaw. "Do you have to ask so many questions? You'll see soon enough." With that, he disappeared through the tunnel, bounding just within Firepaw's sight in the direction of the Great Sycamore.

The tree stretched up and up, seeming to barely miss the stars. Its leaves were mostly strewn on the ground now, only a few stuck to the branches. Tigerclaw sat at the foot of the oak, talking to Longtail, how started when he saw Firepaw.

"Dustpaw! You let him follow you?"

Dustpaw glared at the pale tabby. "No! Tigerclaw told me to take him."

Darkstripe emerged from a crevice just under the tree, nestled in its roots and blinked a few times upon seeing Firepaw, but said nothing, yellow eyes only narrowing at the sight of him. 

"Glad you could make it," Tigerclaw said in his baritone voice, nodding in something that looked a little bit like welcome. "Today Darkstripe will be teaching you and Dustpaw battle moves—specifically against WindClan."

Firepaw nodded, and Darkstripe stalked forward, beginning to pace. "WindClan. Fast, small, and skinny. Battle moves that would work against ShadowClan, for example, will not work with those rabbit-brains." Firepaw eyed Dustpaw, trying to read his thoughts as to what the dark gray tabby had just said, but he betrayed nothing but interest.

"Usually, WindClan cats turn and run—they are cowards. But when they do not, it is essential to know their tactics." His yellow gaze settled on Dustpaw. "Attack me."

The apprentice leapt at Darkstripe, paws outstretched. He was obviously aiming for the tom's eyes, but he ducked easily. Dustpaw dissolved into a roll, springing up and facing Darkstripe, circling him. Darkstripe was at peace, unconcerned, turning as Dustpaw circled him.

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