Chapter 4

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Seokjin lay crumpled on the restaurant floor, the harsh neon lights reflecting off his tear-streaked cheeks. Taehyung knelt beside him, his face contorted in a mixture of concern and irritation.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, his voice brusque.

Seokjin choked back a sob, the humiliation burning through him. "No," he rasped, the word scraping against his raw throat.

Just then, a loud flash illuminated them. A customer had captured their fall on video, the laughter and snickers echoing through the restaurant. Taehyung rose to his feet, his face reddening with fury.

"This is getting out of hand," he muttered, his voice tight with anger. "I can't live like this."

He turned to Seokjin, his gaze hardening. "I'm leaving."

Seokjin looked up, his eyes wide and pleading. "But... Taehyung..."

"This isn't working, Seokjin," Taehyung cut him off, his voice laced with finality. "I'm going to Paris for my photoshoot. When I come back, we'll talk. Maybe then..."

Seokjin watched him go, his heart sinking into his stomach. The video went viral, turning him into a national meme, the "obese lover" who couldn't even hold his weight. The ridicule, the scorn, the cruel jokes followed him everywhere. He became a ghost in his own city, hiding in his apartment, afraid to face the world.

The next morning, the world woke to the viral video of "Obese Diner Wrecks Date, Gets Roasted." The internet exploded with cruel memes, mocking commentary, and digital vitriol. Seokjin became the poster boy for public shame, his image weaponized by the faceless masses seeking for laughter.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was watching TV with his family, moment of shared laughter echoing through the small apartment. But the scene is quickly interrupted by a flicker of recognition on his face. He sees Seokjin and Taehyung's disastrous date unfold on the news, the broken chair incident splashed across the screen in a humiliating montage.

The next day, Jungkook finds Taehyung packing his belongings, his face etched with frustration. He learns about the fallout from the date – Taehyung's father's anger, the company's disapproval, the media frenzy. Taehyung's dream of a perfect love story shattered, replaced by a bitter reality.

As Taehyung announces his departure for Paris, a new photoshoot opportunity, Jungkook feels a pang of something ache to relief. He's worried about Taehyung, of course, but also a flicker of hope ignites within him.

Taehyung's irritation at discovering Seokjin resided in the same building simmered beneath the surface, a constant reminder of his public humiliation. It was one thing to hide behind a screen in Paris, another to risk encountering Seokjin in the shared elevator, in the hallway.

Meanwhile, Jungkook, burdened by guilt and concern, finally made the decision to reach out to Seokjin.


The harsh words of his father echoed through the phone, stinging Seokjin's ears like a viper's bite. "Worthless," he spat, the venom dripping from each syllable. "Dreaming of a perfect partner when you can't even leave your apartment without causing a scene." The comparison to Seokjung, his model brother, a constant ghost haunting his life, was a final blow.

Seokjin felt his knees buckle, the phone slipping from his grasp. He watched the screen flicker, displaying his own reflection - a face distorted by pain, tears welling up in eyes that mirrored the despair in his heart. He was an ugly man, inside and out, his father's words a cruel validation of his deepest insecurities.

But then, a voice reached out, gently taking the phone from his father. His mother, her voice a soothing balm on his ravaged soul, spoke in hushed tones. "Don't listen to him, Jinnie. He doesn't see you, not the real you."

Her words were a lifeline thrown into the abyss of his despair. He clung to them, desperately seeking solace in her unwavering love. "He's right, Eomma," he choked out, tears spilling down his cheeks. "I'm... I'm a mess."

"You are not a mess, Jinnie," she whispered fiercely. "You are kind, you are talented, you have a heart as big as the sky. Don't let anyone, no matter who they are, take that away from you." Seokjin nodded and assured his mother that everything was fine.

Seokjin still felt the sting of his father's words, the weight of societal expectations pressing down on him. But his mother's love had ignited a spark within him, a flicker of defiance against the darkness.

Seokjin stared at his reflection in the mirror, its accusatory gaze reflecting the shards of his shattered confidence. The memory of Taehyung's fleeting disappointment sliced through him like a broken shard of glass, still raw and painful. His father's venomous words echoed in his mind, each syllable dripping with disdain and disappointment. He recalled the snickers and mocking glances from strangers, a constant reminder of how easily society deemed him unfit, unworthy.

But then, his fingers closed around a small cardboard rectangle in his pocket, Jungkook's business card. An ember of hope, faint but determined, flickered within him. His mother's voice, filled with concern, broke through his self-imposed isolation.

"Jinnie, are you alright?" she asked, her voice trembling with worry.

Seokjin took a deep breath, the weight of his depression threatening to pull him under. "Eomma," he began, his voice thick with emotion, "I think... I think it's time to change."

His mother's silence on the other end spoke volumes. It wasn't surprise, nor skepticism, but a quiet understanding that echoed the words she had spoken earlier that day. "I knew you could do it, Jinnie," she finally said, her voice warm and unwavering. "I've always known."

Those words, simple yet powerful, unraveled the knot of self-doubt that had bound him for so long. It wasn't just about Jungkook or the business card in his pocket. It was about a deeper realization, a truth whispered by his own heart: he owed it to himself to break free from the shackles of societal expectations and his father's cruel pronouncements.

He wouldn't be defined by his reflection in the mirror, or the harsh judgments of others. He would be defined by the strength of his spirit, the resilience of his soul, and the unwavering love of his mother who saw him for who he truly was.

Looking at the business card again, Seokjin saw not just an opportunity, but a symbol of his newfound resolve. He wouldn't let fear hold him back anymore. He would embrace the unknown, step out of his comfort zone, and rewrite his own narrative.

He hung up the phone with his mother, a sense of calm washing over him for the first time in days. He wasn't sure what the future held, but he knew one thing for certain: he wouldn't let anyone - not even himself - steal his light anymore.

He reached for his phone, a grin finally breaking through the clouds of self-pity. With trembling fingers, he dialed Jungkook's number.

"Hello?" The unknown voice came through, laced with a hint of surprise.

"Jungkook, It's me, Seokjin." Seokjin said, his voice firm yet gentle, "It's time. I'm ready to start."

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