Chapter 7

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You don't find joy in Winterfell. You find a small sense of peace in its beauty but you are far too stubborn to be happy in the castle. There have been attempts at friendship. Sara Snow had likely been encouraged by her brother for her to try as many times as she did. You do like her but you also do not want to give anyone the idea that you may be settling in. This isn't where you belong and everyone knows it. The servants talk just like the noblewomen that have begun to arrive for the wedding. They seem to enjoy the irony of your position, the fire princess whose heart is cold like ice. Perhaps the North was where you were meant to be after all. That is, if your life was a poem in a book. The servants also like to say that the fire in your hearth is always blazing so you can burn out your demons when you aren't drowning your sorrows in the bathtub. The rumours always swirl around you. Perception is a fickle thing but you can't bring yourself to care all too much, not when you know that talking about you is the most amusement they've had in all of their dull lives. Just a chance to look at your dragon would forge a story they would pass down for generations. You ride a dragon and all it takes for them is a glance.

Your family arrives today for the festivities. How kind it is of your mother to entrust her throne to your grandfather so she may attend her only daughter's wedding. What a joyous occasion it is. You hear the murmurs as you stand next to Cregan in the welcoming party. You look tense and he notices it. You feel a large hand incase yours; you glare at him.

"It would be rude to let go." He says softly as he looks ahead. You pull your hand from his grasp anyhow and he just huffs.

The carriages roll up. Your mother and Daemon step out first, a pleasing smile gracing the Queen's face. It's strange how proprietary causes you not to greet each other until the whole family is present. You just kind of look at one another awkwardly until your siblings walk up as well. Though, you find that little Aegon doesn't seem to care much for proprietary. As soon as your little brother lays eyes on you, he's running right over. He calls out your name before launching himself into your arms and you hold him close.

"I missed you so much! Joffrey has been such a bother since you've left."

You laugh. "Oh, has he now?" It seems that the formal greetings have been forgotten as Joffrey comes over as well.

"I have not been a bother." He defends and he lets you pull him in for a side hug. You didn't know you could still smile like this.

Cregan knows he shouldn't be surprised by the affection. It is common knowledge that your family was happy even in the isolation of Dragonstone, but to see you act so tender, it shocks him. He's never seen you behave in a way other than cold and yet, your little brother is in your arms and looking at you like you're about to give him the world on a platter. It makes his heart soften.


After settling in, Rhaenyra visits your new chambers with Baela, Rhaena and a servant in tow.

"Your rooms appear to be comfortable." Your mother comments.

"They are." You say in response. Conversation used to flow freely between the two of you but now small talk is all you can seem to accomplish.

"Your dress is finally ready. We were almost worried that the seamstress' wouldn't complete it in time." Rhaena says, gesturing to the servant to bring over the gown.

"It will definitely live up to your vision." Baela comments.

You wanted something different, something new. You admire your mother's style greatly but you wanted to have your own in your new home. That's why the skirts of your dress are fuller and the sleeves more puffed. You will wear black and red to show where you came from but the style of the gown shows how you're your own person. The gown still holds much of the King's Landing structure so you can make the change in style gradual and it holds hints of how northern women dress so it's more likely for them to copy you, even if there's no reason for them to not copy the Lady of Winterfell. Well, you perhaps shouldn't say that. There is still one reason. You are not one of their own and bringing in elements of how they decorate themselves will never change that.

"It's perfect." You say in a pleased tone.

"It's more than perfect." Baela cuts in. "I'll be getting married to Jace soon. How am I ever supposed to top that?"

"You simply will not." You say in a cheeky tone and she slaps your arm.

"The both of you will be more than beautiful on your wedding days, just in very different ways because you are very different." Rhaenyra muses before she grabs your hand. "How are you?" She asks you and you know how much your mother cares about the answer.

"Cold." You say. You aren't quite sure what she wanted to hear.

"Well the warm months will come soon. Have you settled in nicely?"

What do you even say to that? Does she want the truth or the assurance that she hasn't done something to ruin your life?

"I'm not too sure of that answer yet. It truly doesn't feel like I have been here for long."
Perhaps you will ruin her day tomorrow instead.

"Things will likely fall into place after the wedding. Once you take up your new status, you will see how these things are for the best, my sweet girl." Her words don't feel like assurance as much as a command. Calling you her sweet girl barely softens it.

"Of course." You confirm but don't hide a single emotion. The irritation you feel is clear on your features.

Not wishing for an argument to come forth, Rhaena speaks up. "Winterfell is so beautiful and i'm quite antsy from the travel if you would be so kind as to give me a tour, sister?"

"Oh yes!" Baela chirps in. "You ought to take us to the gardens. I want to see if Weirwood trees truly have the faces of the old gods trapped in them."

"Is trapped the right word?" Rhaena asks as you all stand.

"Will you accompany us, my Queen?" You ask Rhaenyra formally.

"I'm very tired. I think I will rest in my chambers."

You just think that talking to you pains her more than she wants to put up with. You try not to care as you take each of your sister's arms but you won't play nice to fix a relationship she ruined. You miss your mother but your stubbornness won't allow it.

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