Chapter 6

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Thunderstorms. Fuck. It's hardly welcoming that, as you enter the North, in the last weeks of your journey, it would be pouring so hard that the men on horseback can't see through the rain. The travels all have to come to a rest, annoyingly prolonging your time spent on the road.

There's a knock on the door before it swings open to reveal Cregan, looking very damp. But still, a goofy grin graces his face.

Before anyone else can say anything, Safia speaks. "Oh. my lord! You must come in to get away from the cold rain." She insists and he gives her a nod as he directs the grin at her.

Cregan knows you likely wouldn't grant him entrance so he takes your handmaiden's words at face value and steps into the carriage. "Thank you, ladies." He says and both of your handmaidens blush. Since they sit together, the only free space is by your side and he seems to have no qualms with making himself comfortable. "I do hope lightning doesn't frighten you, princess." He says with a light teasing tone.

"You smell like a wet dog." You say firmly and glare at him.

"I suppose that I would. Perhaps I need to dry off?" He says almost mischievously and then shakes his head side to side, flinging water droplets from his hair. Safia and Rose squeal and giggle at his actions. You just groan.

"Ugh! Cregan, stop that." You say in a frustrated tone.

"Oh, are we on a first name basis now, y/n?" You want to sigh at how nice your name sounds when he says it, dripping from his tongue like nectar. It makes you angry.

"I did not mean to say it."

"I think we ought to call each other by our first names. We are to be man and wife very soon." He says with a smile and you take in the sight of him, his damp curls, his goofy grin, but you quickly snap yourself out of it.

Man and wife. What a plague.

"Of course... Cregan." You say through gritted teeth and though you don't sound like you're talking to a lover, he seems more than pleased with the progress.


You do have to admit that the North is beautiful. You've seen winter. You've seen snow, but never like this. You want to press your face against the window like a silly child. It's all you've wanted to do since you entered the area a few days ago, but you can't. Because it is time. Winterfell must be just around the corner because the procession stops. There is a  want to make a big show of you and Cregan as a united front, side by side on horseback as your dragon flies overhead. So that must be what it is time for, you think as the carriage door is opened for you.

"My dearest betrothed." Lord Stark says as he holds out a hand for you. You feel the cold air nip at your cheeks as you accept it and step out of the carriage. You shiver a little bit. "You are cold." He says as he removes one of his own furs.

"I am fine, my lord." You say but he drapes it around your shoulders anyhow.

"I thought we agreed that you would call me by my name in non-formal settings." He says a bit teasingly.

"We did." You confirm and he chuckles when you don't address him further.

You hold his arm as he leads you to the front of the procession. "Your horse." He says as you approach a silver mare.

What a coincidence, a silver horse for a Targaryen.

You like the look of the beast anyhow. Even if you never had much need for horses before, you still are a skilled rider. By the time Cregan is motioning for a mounting block to be brought over, you have already helped yourself into the saddle with the stirrup. He looks almost surprised.

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