Chapter 8

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      (No ones POV) Joey walked in holding his sword, Jimmy had blacked out on the floor because Joey slashed him in the face, "Stupid Circus Freak, I can't wait to get my hands on this prize."

      Joey smiled to himself and as he was about to pick up Jimmy, Pix came running in, "What the heck happened here!?"

     Joey stood there and blinked at him, "Uhhhh, it's not what it looks like Pix!" Joey said as he tried to hide Jimmys body behind him though Pix had already noticed him.

    "What happened here!" Scott also came running in and saw Jimmy on the floor. He rushed over to Jimmys body, "God, the oil is leaking out of the cut in his eye. Pix, call False so we can get Jimmy repaired!"

        Pix nodded and was about to leave but Joey and Joel were blocking Pix, Joey put his sword to Pixs throat, "Now where do you think you're going?" They keep Pix in one position, Pix locks eyes with Scott, "Run!"

      Scott picked up Jimmy and jolted for the back door, he ran for a bit before take a stop to catch his breath. He grabbed a bandage from his inventory and placed in on Jimmys eye, "This is not what I thought today would come to Jim... I hope you're ok." He began back to walking hoping to get somewhere safe.

       Jimmy began to wake up and gain some consciousness, he noticed he was being carried and when he realized it was Scott he blushed furiously, "S-scott?"

      He smiled, "Good morning Petal!" Jimmy looked at him confused, "Where are we, when did you get here, what happened?"

      Scott sighed, "Some stuff happened to where it wasn't safe. I don't know where we're going but I'm sure we'll be ok." Jimmy was still confused and tired, he soon shut down again with the lack of oil and energy.

      Scott heard some footsteps and then some talking, it was Joel, "Circus Freaks! I know you're out here somewhere!" He sounded angry and annoyed, Scott began to run which was hard with Jimmy on his back.

      Joel and Joey soon noticed him and began to run as well, they were catching up fast. Joey threw his trident which made Scott fall. Joel grabbed Scotts arms and Joey picked up Jimmy.

    "Please Joel! I'm begging you, don't take us back! That man did horrible things and abused us!" Joel rolled his eyes, "Don't be dramatic, you're still alive and I want the gold." Joey through a sleeping potion at Scott and Scott fell asleep.

(At the circus, Scotts POV)

      I woke up in an odd place that felt so familiar, I heard people talkig in the other room. Then it clicked, I panically looked around the room for Jimmy but he wasn't there, "Oh god, oh god, oh god! Jimmy! No, no, no, this can't be happening!"

         I sat there for a bit wanting to cry but I remembered that I had escaped this place before so I can escape it again. I noticed a window so I walked over there, there I saw boss, Joel, and Joey. He seemed to be giving them their prize.

      I also examined the room I was in, to see if I could recollect any momery of this place. I noticed some ropes, a bobby pin, and a knife looking thing. There also were some chairs and a big, round table. 

     If I was able to escape I'd have to act fast because boss was bound to confront me why I left. I tested the doorknob and as expected, it was locked. I grabbed the bobby pin off the floor and unlocked the door, I also grabbed the knife and the rope for the future.

      All I needed to do now was sneak past boss and get to Jimmy. The only problem was I didn't know where Jimmy was, the good this was that I knew this place like the back of my hand from all the days Jimmy and I spent exploring.

     I snuck past everyone and made my way to where the old dorms were, I assumed since thats where the majority of the rooms were. I walked past and saw a faded sign that said "Jimmy and Scott, the 2 acrobats." I decided to open that room because I had a bad feeling about it...

Sorry for another cliffhanger but I feel like this part belongs in a seperate chapter. I also love suspense soooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 

The Abandoned Circus AU Flower HusbandsWhere stories live. Discover now