Rizal in Barcelona and Spain

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Rizal did not continue his studies in the Philippines, instead, he went to Europe to widen his learning and to acquire knowledge about a cure for his mother's worsening eye condition.

He left Calamba on May 1, 1882 and was able to reach Manila in ten hours of journey via a carromata (also known as kalesa). Rizal began writing farewell letters to his friends and family because no one among the family members of Rizal knew his departure for Spain, except Paciano, Saturnina and Uncle Antonio and a few friends. Paciano gave him money for his allowance and Saturnina gave him a diamond ring. For the first time, he did not seek his parent's approval and blessings to go abroad because clearly, they will not approve Rizal's plan.

He left Manila on May 3, 1882, with his brother Paciano and Uncle Antonio Rivera's blessing. He decided to go abroad after completing his fourth year in the medical course. He did not ask Leonor since he knows she will not be able to keep it as a secret. His brother Paciano did everything to ensure that Jose can leave secretly. He secured a passport using the name Jose Mercado and through the endorsements from Pedro Paterno.The Spanish authorities, their parents, family, and Leonor know nothing about his plans.

Bringing with him his disappointments during his days as a student, he left the Philippines for Europe. Initially, he was going to finish his medical course in Barcelona, Spain. Then again, Rizal did not leave the country only to pursue his medical course but also the following:

1. he wanted to make a name for himself in the field of journalism,

2. to observe and study the European society and

3. to prepare himself from being freed from the tasks of liberating the Filipinos from the tyrants of Spain.

This was seen in Paciano's letter to Rizal dated May 26,1882 and reads:

"When the telegram advising us of your departure was received in Kalamba, our parents were naturally grief-stricken, especially the old man who would not speak a word and took to his bed, crying to himself at night, all advice from the family, the parish priest and others not doing any good at all.

He made me go down to Manila to find out his satisfaction how you had managed to make a trip. When I returned, I told them that some friends of yours in Manila had shouldered the expenses, hoping to reassure them. For all that, I could see that he was still depressed and, seeing this and fearing, for another thing, that his continued brooding might make him ill, I told him everything, but only to him, pleading with him to keep it to himself, which he promised. Only since then have I seen him somewhat cheerful and back to his usual self.

This is what happened in the family. As far as our friends, our acquaintances, and strangers are concerned, you will finish your medical course in Barcelona, not in Madrid; to my way of thinking, the main purpose of your going is not to improve yourself in the profession but in other more useful things or what comes to the same thing, that to which you have greater inclination. That is why I believe you should follow it in Madrid, the center of all the provinces, for, while it is true that in Barcelona there is more activity and even less to do business and as afar as a good education is concern, if it should not be available in Madrid, the application of the student can supply it. It should be more convenient for you to be there together with our countrymen who can show you around until you can get the hang of things."


From Manila, he boarded the SS Salvadora and sailed to Singapore. On May 9, 1882 the SS Salvadora docked in Singapore and Rizal stayed at Hotel dela Paz for two days and visited the botanical garden, art galleries, parks and some historical places.

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