Part 1

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6:30 AM in the morning
Hinata: ugh... you fucking alarm clock
Natsu: big brother we're gonna be late to school, get down here and eat breakfast!!!
Hinata:...damn it... another day another stress... *goes down*
Natsu: good morning aniki here breakfast *gives him a pancakes*
Hinata:..n.. *sits down at the chair and eats*
Natsu: aniki want to go with me to school? *munching*
Hinata: you can go on your own...
Natsu: brother... i want to go with you once in a while... are you... are you still... pls they're already gone why are you being like this?
Hinata: why are you meddling in my business Natsu? Do you want me to forget about them
Natsu: no... but..
Hinata: you know how i felt Natsu...
That day... that day.. the day hell started... for us
Natsu: i know brother it hurts too.. but we need to accept-
Hinata: i can't Natsu... i just can't..
Natsu: (i know brother because that day, you lost the spark in your eyes your, smile, your laugh... their all gone just because of an acident.. you became emotionless... you were still 7 and i was 5 we watch our parents.. got... in front of you... they i was at the closet... those memories we will never forget... it hurts.. it hurts.. to watch the one we love got...) *tears fell* ^sniff^ heugh... *cry* uwooo...
Hinata: *stares at her while she cries with emotionless gaze* *but doesn't feel anything* *stares at the ceiling*





They go to school
Natsu: bye aniki... *waves and goes to school*
Hinata:.. *rides his bike*
They parted ways







Hinata: karasuno huh... *goes in*

After class hinata proceeds to the gym and ate his lunch there to avoid physical communication to other people. But then he the door busts open and there are seven figures .

Hinata: wtf...?
???: hahahaha!!! Bro Kiyoko talk to me!!!
???: I know bro you're so lucky!!!
???: can you two shut up.
???: tsukki!!
???: urasai yamaguchi.
???: gomen tsukki
???: what did you say salty!!!
???: do you wanna die!!!
???: tch... so noisy
???: shut up all of you we're here to practice not to get in each other's throat!!!
???: gomen daichi san...
???: haysss.. you guys...
???: huh who's that?
???: who is who?
???: let's ask him



Meanwhile at Hinata
Hinata: (as i finished eating someone tap my shoulders)
???: hey who are you and what are you doing here?
Hinata: eating lunch can't you see? ^cold tone^ *cold stare*
???: oh sorry to interrupt your lunch but do you want see us practice?
Hinata: *cold stare* yeah I'm already done eating anyways... you can start now.. but you guys have to tell your names first.
???: Daichi Suwamura Captain of Volleyball here at Karasuno
???: Sugawara Koshi Vice Captain
???: Tanaka Ryuunosuke, call me senpai
???: Nishinoya Yu, me too call me senpai
???: Yamaguchi Tadashi
???: Tsukkishima Kei... shrimp
???: Yamaguchi Tadashi
???: Kageyama Tobio
Hinata: Hinata Shoyo.... *glares at tsukkishima*

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