Chapter 5

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Clawdeen walked into the kitchen and saw no one there

Clawdeen: huh, I guess even the cook lost hope in the food... maybe I should make breakfast. I mean I did almost burn the house down last month, but that was just one time

she then pulled out a cook book and turned the pages

Clawdeen: no, no, no, wait... no. *gasp* Chocolate Pancakes!

Clawdeen gathered all the ingredients and got to baking. she poured some Flour, Sugar, Eggs, Baking Powder, Salt and Milk in a mixing bowl and mixed it. she took a small break to peek into the Creeperteria to see if anyone was in there

Clawdeen: what is wrong with everyone? this is breakfast! the most important meal of the day!

she went back into the kitchen and poured the batter onto a griddle. then she looked at the door

Clawdeen: 1...2...3... come in!

no one came in

Clawdeen: *sigh*

after the pancakes were done she carefully placed them onto a plate and poured chocolate syrup on them with whipped cream on top and sprinkled some chocolate chips on top. she stared proudly at it

Clawdeen: This Looks Great... but I can't eat this until they get here... it wouldn't be fair

suddenly the kitchen door opened and Clawd walked through. the sudden noise caused Clawdeen to yelp and fall to the floor but she got up

Clawdeen: Clawd! Check It Out!

she grabbed the plate of pancakes and walked to him

Clawdeen: I Actually Cooked Something! And I Didn't Start A Fire This Time!

Clawd smiled and ruffled her hair

Clawd: good job

he then walked over to the fridge and got a water bottle

Clawdeen: aren't you gonna have some?

Clawd: nah, I don't eat breakfast that much, I'm more of a lunch wolf. maybe tomorrow

he then walked out of the kitchen, Clawdeen followed but once Clawd shut the door she slammed right into it

Clawdeen: Ow!

she fell back and caught the pancakes before they fell onto the floor

Clawdeen: oh man!

she placed the plate back onto the counter and began cleaning up when Lagoona walked in

Lagoona: Hi Clawdeen!

Clawdeen: hey Lagoona

Lagoona: what are you doing?

Clawdeen: the cook gave up on his food so I made myself breakfast and now I'm just cleaning up

Lagoona: Oh! Let Me Help!

she shot water out of her hands to clean off the counters but accidentally sprayed Clawdeen

Clawdeen: Ah! Lagoona!

Lagoona: Sorry Amiga!

Clawdeen took off her sweatshirt and set it on the counter only for Lagoona to spray her again

Clawdeen: Hey!

Lagoona: *laugh* Okay That Was On Purpose!

Clawdeen growled and took the pancakes out to the Creeperteria to eat alone when she and Lagoona saw Toralei waiting

Toralei: Where's The Food?

Clawdeen: cook gave up

Toralei: oh... about time. also Lagoona, I found my cat purse in your dorm, care to explain?

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