Chapter 2

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Clawdeen sighed while playing with her pencil in class. it was only the first day and they were already having a lesson on Geometry and are having a test next week to make sure they remember everything

*what a way to spend my 16th birthday, dying slowly of boredom*

she face-planted on her desk, only for Draculaura to use her magic to pull her back up. one look from Draculaura told her to pay attention. Clawdeen groaned and tried to listen while still playing with her pencil.


Clawdeen hopped out of her seat

Clawdeen: Finally! The Scream!

she gathered her things and rushed out of class and toward her locker when Clawd approached her

Clawd: hey sis

Clawdeen: hey bro

Clawd: I wanted to show you something

Clawdeen: sure, just a sec.

she finished putting her books away then turned to her older brother

Clawdeen: what's up?

suddenly Clawd tied a blindfold over her eyes

Clawdeen: Hey! What Are You Doing?

Clawd: just trust me

he began leading her to the school's front doors but Clawdeen walked straight into the door

Clawdeen: Ow!

Clawd: there's a door there

Clawdeen: I See That Now!

Clawd: sorry

he carefully led her outside and down the steps then toward the Casketball Court. he then pulled the Blindfold off and Clawdeen gasped seeing decorations everywhere and a table full of presents and all her friends in front of her with Draculaura holding a cake


Clawdeen: Aww! You Guys Are The Best!

she hugged them all and blew out her candles and everyone cheered.

Clawdeen: I still can't believe I'm turning 16, does Headmistress know you guys through a party?

Clawd: that's her gift to you, allowing this party

Clawdeen: you guys really didn't have to do this

Draculaura: of course we did! besides you did a lot of growing in two months

Draculaura ruffled Clawdeen's hair

Clawdeen: yeah.. I guess I did!

she was suddenly pulled into a hug by Clawd

Clawdeen: Whoa! and I thought Draculaura's hugs were... Tight!

Clawd: dad always says to give you birthday hugs besides...

Clawd then picks up Clawdeen and sets her on his shoulder

Clawd: I gotta cherish the moments I can still carry you

Clawdeen: *blushes* Put Me Down! I'm Not That Short!

Clawd rolls his eyes and sets Clawdeen down. Draculaura and Frankie push him out of the way

Draculaura: move it babe, we knew her 2 months before you did!

they then tackle her into a hug

Clawdeen: Hey! *laugh*

Frankie: if Clawd can give you birthday hugs, so can we!

Clawdeen finally pushed them off, still chuckling a bit

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