Alien lanscape

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Allen looked to Johnny. Tim floated between them. Johnny met Allen's eyes. They stared at each other. Then, Johnny thrust the tablet at Allen. The white haired male looked at it puzzled.

"It will show you everything I do to him. Trust me, I won't hurt him!" Johnny insisted.

Allen folded the man's arm back, allowing him to cradle the tablet within it.

"I do." Allen whispered. He stepped back.

"Timcanpy, authorize Johnny to give him all the access Marion Cross once had." Allen commanded. There was a beeping sound, a flash of light, then a deep voice spoke out of the ball.

"Nice try, Allen, but you won't override my authority that easily."

"Was that?" Kanda and Lavi asked together.

"Master." Allen growled.

"Cross" Komui stated.

"I think it was prerecorded." Johnny assured everyone as he tapped on his tablet.

"Go, figure this out. Tell everyone in the lab that this is too priority." Komui instructed.

"What of the other thirty two top priority orders!" Reiner cried from somewhere down the hall.


Johnny nodded to Allen. Allen gave him a tight smile. Tim buzzed around Allen's head, beeping, winning, then left to float beside Johnny.

"Take care of him." Allen turned away.

Together, with Lavi on one side and Kanda on the other, they followed Komui down the hall.

"Where are we going?" Allen asked.

"To refuel you. Jerry has food ready. Hevlaska will be there." Komui didn't look back.

His lab coat floated around him as he rushed forward. Kanda didn't let him get too far away as he pressed Allen after them. They rushed through the halls. In seconds Allen was lost.

Soon they came to a metal plate like grate. Once everyone was upon it. Komui picked up the controls. Lavi shot frowned yanking the device out of the bespectacled scientist hands.

"Allow me, sir!" Lavi grinned.

Kanda sighed, releasing a death like, white knuckles grip on the railing. The ride was smooth. The platform shifted out into space as Lavi masterfully maneuvered it around. Soon they were dropping through the main chamber of the building. The floors zoomed by in a dizzying speed. The platform slowed, then settled to a stop. Lavi beamed.

"Smooth as ever!" He crowed, pleased with himself.

Hevlaska's glowing form appeared above them. She looked larger here than before. Her enormous body filled the space. Her sparkling head spun to look down at Komui. As her body rippled, she lowered her face to align with those on the platform.

"Mister Komui, what is it that you seek?" She asked.

"What can you do to train Allen in the use of his ability, in fifty three minutes?" Komui asked.

"Due you wish him to be functional at the end?" Hevlaska inquired.

"That would be preferable." Komui nodded.

"Then, not a lot, but he will be better than he is now." She insisted.

A tentacle like arm came out. It wrapped around Allen's waist. He was lifted up. His body felt foreign to him, before it floated away. He was just a mind inside a large space. It was hard for him to comprehend just what or even where he was. He never heard, nor saw the others leave.

Dgrayman overnightWhere stories live. Discover now