Safety record

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Kanda walked to the door. He drew his foot back to kick it in, but it opened before he could. Lavi was tucking his short back in behind the dark male standing before Kanda. The muscles bulged over Kanda's arms as he reached for the vampire looking security guard's shirt.

"Kanda be nice." Lavi snickered.

"The next time you want to fuck in the security office, SHUT THE FUCKING MICROPHONE OFF!" Kanda thundered.

Lavi's eyes went round. His hand shot out.

"I, I did. I hit the... oh my God! We were... everyone..."

Kanda thought, for sure, this would embarrass the idiot. Instead, Lavi tossed his head back. He began to laugh. He wrapped his arms around his stomach, laughing harder. Others out on the floor were looking worriedly back at them. Kanda did notice the speaker mic was off.

"S, sa, sorry!" Lavi laughed.

"Well, how many of you are going to report us to HR?" He asked.

His green eyes flashed to Kanda. The dark haired male glared back.

"I, uh, I don't think any of us will." Lenalee said. She was peeking around behind Kanda.

"Don't do it at work! Or use the damn bathroom like we did!" Kanda snarled

"Wait, you and Lavi?" Krory pointed between them.

Lavi shrugged. "I guess should could say I have a type." He grinned.

"Yeah, anything with a pulse." Kanda hissed.

"Back to work! Everyone get back to work!" Komui yelled.

He came out of his office with his hat off. He held an ice pack to the back of his neck. His glasses were slightly askew. Kanda ched, but walked away.

"Wow, that was pretty fast. Usually when Kanda knocks someone out, they are down for a few hours." Daisya said sounding impressed.

Noise went to get his forklift. They set back to work, sorting packages, getting their trailers set up. Suddenly, there was a ripping sound. Noise was backing his forklift up. He glanced forward. The pallets on the end were tipping. The shrink wrap holding them together was still clinging to the boxes behind the ones he was trying to take down.

"Stay there, don't move!" Kanda yelled across the floor.

Nosie shifted in his seat. His hand bumped the gear. His forklift darted back about three inches. Kanda swore as he swooped his forklift in. His empty blades were up. He caught the falling merchandise. With quick hands he tried to secure it.

"Timcanpy go help!" Allen's voice called out.

Out of thin air the golden round ball with wings swooped in. He seemed to grow to about three times his original height. He pressed his body against the boxes trying to fall from Kanda's lifted forks.

The boxes shifted back. The wings fluttered as the ball pressed harder. Soon the boxes were setting nicely between Kanda and Noises fork lifts. There was clapping but Kanda shouted for silence. He eyed Noise. They still needed to get the pallets to the floor.

"Allen keep Tim helping." Lavi called over the speakers.

"Tim?" Allen called out.

The round ball twittered as it hovered near the stacked boxes. Slowly, with precise movements, the two men lowered their forks down. As soon as they reached the floor, Daisya and Allen rushed up to swiftly unload the forklifts.

Timcanpy helped as he stabilized the boxes. Allen used a hand worked forklift to get most of the boxes from the top down to the floor. It took about half an hour before everything was settled. Then, they head the sound again.

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