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A/n: You saw  and read the description. you clicked anyway. I don't have to explain myself. You knew what you were getting into and I apologized for nothing.

This is bullshit, I thought, annoyed, as I led Nicole and Jecka away from the source of the gunshots.

Yami: "Out of all the people you could've messed with, it had to be the kid with a gun-nut dad!" I muttered as we entered silently through the main entrance to the gym and locked the doors behind us.

Jecka: "We're going to die. We're going to die. We're going to fucking die...!" she mumbled hysterically, gripping my hand tightly.

If we somehow survive this, I'm killing Nicole myself. Nicole thought it was a brilliant idea to spread Jeffrey's secret to everyone. I didn't know it was happening until Jecka told me about it, and I was surprised when I saw the local otaku so devoid of emotions the other day. I knew then that it was only a matter of time before he either killed himself or the entire school, and then himself. Of course, I tried being a good friend and warned Jecka not to go to school today, but she brushed it off, saying Jeffrey was too much of a coward to actually go through with it.

Imagine her shock when she suddenly heard gunshots from the second floor and heard someone screaming: Jeffrey snapped! She and Nicole were in the cafeteria when everything went south. Principal Lynn told us from the intercom to remain calm, and the school would be on lockdown. Yeah, lock us all in here with a psychotic shooter, why don't you? All the doors and exits were locked, and students were told to hide and lock their classrooms until help arrives. Of course, you can guess how well that went. They all tried to dash towards the exit before it could be locked, few were successful, some weren't. And my god, was Kylar stupid for thinking he could take on a nerd with a gun. I didn't feel sorry when he had 9 bullets go through his body.

Nicole and Jecka were among the people that tried to escape before the school could lock all the exits, only for them to witness one or two of their classmates being shot. Luckily, Kylar was there to distract Jeffrey long enough for them to run. Where was I when all of this was happening? I was in the science lab, which was empty and was fiddling with some chemicals, unbothered by the carnage happening outside. I was trying to make a certain knockout chemical that doctors use on patients during surgery.

Jecka and Nicole were moving through the halls, trying to find an open window or exit when Jecka saw me in the lab and ran towards me. She tried pulling me and pleading for me to come with them to find an escape. She and I have been friends since the last year of middle school.

I told them to wait as I was making something. They protested, saying they didn't have time for my bullshit, and we needed to get out of here before Jeffrey comes. I managed to convince them that what I was making would only take a few minutes, and they relented. Nicole was trying to tell Jecka to just ditch me, but Jecka wasn't having it. It wasn't long until I was done and put something in my pocket.

I told them we're escaping through the rooftop and that we first need to go to the gym on the first floor to get ropes to use to climb down. Luckily, we didn't bump into Jeffrey while we were making our way down. Unfortunately, Jecka was traumatized from seeing the dead bodies of our classmates and hearing distant screaming and gunshots. Which leads us to where we are now.

Nicole: "Fuck off, he's the one who willingly..." I gave her a glare. "Okay, maybe - ugh! Can you patronize me later!?"

Yami: "If we're still alive by then," I muttered. "Okay so, you and Jecka go to the gym storage; there should be some spare climbing ropes there," I told them.

Outsider (Male oc x Class of 09)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora