돌: After I go

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"Hey Ricky! Your ice cream, take it! It's strawberry flavored, your favorite."

Ricky and Kang-Dae were in a date. Kang-Dae had just bought 2 ice creams for them although it was winter time. They were both suckers for sweet things so weather didn't stopped their sweet tooth.

"Thanks love!" The Melting point cafe was their favorite, it had coffee, desserts and even ice cream available, so they came every time they would go out together.

"So, how is junior year going?" The elder, Kang-Dae,  asked.

"Everything okay. I am sure Gyuvin told you but it's pretty much heavy as the other years. And your senior year? Are you already planning your graduation ceremony?" Ricky knew that he was already unto that, but he loved to hear his boyfriend telling stories. It was quite relaxing in his opinion, but this time things were different. 

"Yes." Quite dry, no emotion in there.

"Yes? Just a simple 'yes'? That is not the extroverted and expressive Dae I know. Did something happened at school?" He knew his boyfriend was acting weird lately, but that never changed too much their conversations or dates, but this time, it was like a mood killer.


"Then? Does it has to do with the idol agency where you work? I know teaching isn't easy and everything but I thought you loved it. Don't you?" Ricky hated to see his boyfriend that sad and moody. He liked more to see him shining with him by his side.

"I do but... You know, it's better that I don't tell you. Let's go to the carnival!" Kang-Dae tried to change the topic. He grabbed the blonde's hand and tried to fast their steps to the carnival, but Ricky stopped them and instead walked to a bench nearby were they sat down.

"Kang-Dae! Tell me what is happening! You first skipped the classes your were supposed to give with the excuse of  just taking me into a date and then you are avoiding why are you this distracted! I want to know what is bothering my dear boyfriend."

"I... I can't. If I tell you..." Kang-Dae's hands and head started sweating by the nerves while his voice started to crack. It was clear something was REALLY wrong. Ricky had seen his boyfriend nervous or anxious, but this time... things were different." Water droplets started decorating Kang-Dae's face and his voice was starting to crack, unable to say more coherent words for a few seconds. Ricky tried to slowly and carefully get rid of the tears, but it was useless because of the boy crating more every time.


"I need you too promise something." He suddenly stopped Ricky and grabbed both of his hands, then he looked at him, trying to get the attention of his boyfriend.

"What is it?"

"When, no...After I go, help him."

"Going? Him? Dae, what are you talking about?" Ricky was confused, pretty confused at that moment. 

"After I go, help Gyuvin find everything. Help him connect the clues I left both of you. The agency has some weird things behind them but I don't have enough time left to search them."

"What is it Kang-Dae? Just tell me!" Ricky was starting to get angry, but most of it came from his curiosity and his fear of something happening to his Kang-Dae.

"If I do, you are doom as well. I know the agency has been following me since long time ago, and if they discover I told you too much... Gyuvin will have no one left to be guided."

"It is not like if they can kill you." Ricky joked.

"They can... and they will."

"Kang-Dae, did you drink before coming here? Why are you saying this non-sense? You are here and you will stay here by my side, okay?" Now the tears came from the blonde's eyes. Everything was bizzare but there was one thing he understood; Kang-Dae knew he would die soon, and Ricky hated it.

Ignorant and Lies / Gyuricky ZB1 [Discontinued Temporarily]Where stories live. Discover now