Tickle Monsters Go to School

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Sarah wakes up in her apartment. She is back from Christmas break and today is the first day of classes. She feels weird. Not sick, tired, or anything bad like that but just weird. She gets ready and goes to school anyway. Once there, she realizes what's wrong. She's already missing the easy access to tickles she has back at home. It's really been just a couple of days, but she is missing the funny tingly feeling. Sarah tries to suppress it but just before lunch time she decides to do something she has been pondering on the whole day. She knows this might even ruin her relationship with best friends Sophie and Penny. Over the past months they've grown very close and have talked about pretty much everything that's ever happened to anyone. Even the topic of tickles has come up but only in passing. She evaluates her options and ultimately decides to start talking to them about it at lunch.

As they sit down at their table, Sarah starts asking how everyone's break went.

"We went to my grandpa's for the holidays. We went skiing and ice skating on Christmas Eve," Penny tells the two other girls.

"That's cool! We didn't do anything special. We were home, opened presents on Christmas morning and watched movies," Sophie says nonchalantly.

"Our Christmas was very traditional. Or at least to us it went like all the other Christmases over the years. My aunt and uncle came over with their kids on Christmas Eve. I played games with the cousins, we had a couple of tickle wars, ate well and a lot, opened presents and ate some more," Sarah lists with a smile on her face.

"That sounds like loads of fun. But what do you mean by tickle wars?" Sophie asks. "I would die if I got tickled for too long."

"Basically, my cousins and I kind of become little kids again. We are all over the age of 16, but it's fun to act like we are 6-year-olds instead. We play all kinds of games, and the loser gets tickled as kind of a penalty. We usually play just the three of us but sometimes our parents are in too. Those rounds are especially fun," Sarah explains blushing just a tiny bit.

"So, you actually like being tickled?" Sophie asks with clear wonder in her voice. Sarah doesn't say anything but turns even more red in her face.

"Ooh! Is that why you've been acting weird all day?" Penny's face lights up as she connects the dots. Sarah nods sheepishly not lifting her gaze from her plate. They keep eating in an awkward silence for a minute.

"Are you okay, Sarah?" Sophie asks as she notices Sarah's tears running down her face. She shakes her head, gets up and leaves all her stuff there at the table. She goes into the bathroom closest to the cafeteria. She doesn't cry alone for too long as Penny comes after her.

"Are you okay? What's wrong? Did we do something?" Penny asks worrying she did something to her best friend. Sarah just shakes her head again.

"How was I behaving that you noticed something was different?" Sarah manages to ask.

"Well, usually you do something all the time. Either you are spinning on your chair, fidgeting with your stuff, or talking to Bella," Penny lists. "Today you've just stared into nothing in front of you and kept quiet. So, I knew something was up."

"Oh, okay. Firstly, you did nothing wrong there or anywhere else for that matter. Secondly, I'm okay, but just a little nervous." Sarah says, still not looking into her friend's eyes.

"And why are you nervous?" Penny keeps asking.

"Because." The still crying girl stops for a second. "I worry you two will leave me alone forever for what's wrong with me today."

"You know we would never do something like that! You're stuck with us for the rest of your life," Penny says with tears now forming in her eyes aswell.

"I know. Sometimes I just think that I'm so weird that you would never want to see me again.

"The thing is, I love getting tickled and over the break was tickled quite a lot. My body and mind got used to getting tickled on the regular and now that I've been without tickles for a few days, my body is apparently reacting to not getting the dopamine," Sarah explains while blushing again.

Penny starts to laugh. "You know, you could have just told us, and everything would be completely fine." That makes Sarah laugh too.

The door to the bathroom opens and Sophie walks in with all the three girls' things. The two look at her still laughing and with tears in their eyes. Pure confusion can be read on Sophie's face as she tries to read the situation.

"Are you okay here?" she asks.

"Yes, everything is fine now!" Sarah says trying to stop laughing. "I feel like I need a hug."

They hug but when it's time to let go and get back to class, Penny doesn't let go. Instead, she moves herself so that Sarah is in between her and Sophie. She has easy access to the girl's sides and starts to move her fingers right on them. Her fingers move around quickly covering every inch of her sides and ribs.

"Hahahahahahahaha! Hehehehe!" Sarah laughs and suddenly squeals as Penny briefly touches her stomach.

Her laugh gets even louder as Sophie's long nails start moving on her back dangerously close to her armpits.

"Ohohohohohohoo myhyhy gohohohohod! Ohohokahahay! Hehehehehe!" Sarah keeps laughing as the two tickle monsters end their little attack.

After calming herself down for a minute, Sarah thanks them and they start gathering their belongings.

"I really thought you could never even see me again if you knew I like tickles," Sarah says again, and the other girls laugh. "Now I'm wondering how come both of you are so good at it."

"Well, you know I have siblings eight and ten years younger than me. I have, let's say, a few hours of experience in tickling. When they were little their favorite thing to do was to play Tickle Monster," Penny laughs.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that," Sarah answers. "Now, the bigger question is, how are you so good at it, Sophie. You don't have siblings and don't even like being tickled."

"Hah! The fact that I don't like being tickled doesn't mean I don't like to tickle others," Sophie laughs. "My boyfriend is very ticklish, so I tickle him quite often actually. He tells me I'm his little tickle monster."

The trio makes it back into the classroom just in time before the next lecture starts. They try to concentrate on the classwork but every now and again either Penny or Sophie pokes Sarah's ribs or runs their fingers on her side making her squirm and unable to really pay attention to what the professor is saying.

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