To be or not to be

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Tian Xing looked at Rong Xuan talking with his sworn brothers and sisters. Her face curled up into a smile.

Although, her eyes were more on Zhao Jing than anyone else.

'If my calculations are correct, I believe, it’s about time.'

This time, Rong Xuan didn’t propose the idea of collecting the martial arts into one place. However, Zhao Jing still had to be kept an eye on.

The other man definitely noticed it, and when Tian Xing averted her eyes for a while, whispered to Rong Xuan, "Brother Rong, your aunt...she has been staring at me for quite a while. Is it something that I did and she didn’t like?" his tone was laced with fright and worry.

Tian Xing purposefully averted her eyes to see if Zhao Jing would ask what the matter was to Rong Xuan, and bingo! He did. Tian Xing smiled to herself.

'You are not the only one who can be manipulative, A-Jing.'

This indisputable anger that she had at the fact that Zhao Jing practically guilt tripped Xie Wang to be who he wanted him to be, was something she couldn't avoid.

The haitang blossoms fell down in a slow wind, which reminded her of Chu Wanning.

Rong Xuan nodded and seemingly tried to reason with Zhao Jing as to what it might be. Knowing Rong Xuan, he definitely wouldn’t suspect Tian Xing of any atrocities.

His innocence was still childlike. Tian Xing sighed inaudibly.

Tian Xing slowly, but surely walked towards Rong Xuan and smiled, "A-Rong, if you don’t mind, may I go down town and do sight seeing?"

Rong Xuan who just finished talking with Zhao Jing, looked at her and smiled, "Sure. You must be bored sitting here. Although, you can spar with us." he grinned.

Tian Xing made a dramatic expression, "I am too old."
"Oh you admit that?"
"You-ah....nevermind. You guys keep going." She quickly started walking out the yard they were all practicing in.

The yard was beautiful, with a small table and a roof with four pillars and no walls. One could enjoy the sceneries watching the place while enjoying tea or snacks.

It was spring. So the place was certainly very beautiful.

Tian Xing reached to the town with a hurried pace.

' find XieJie LiuBo...'

Not Xie Wang. 

XieJie LiuBo was a small child who was fending for himself at the southern border of the land, Nanjiang. She had to find this child.

This child had been groomed by Zhao Jing in every possible way, and she definitely couldn’t let him come any close to the man.

On her way to Nanjiang, her mind wandered around.

It was her fourth reincarnation, yet, she had no answers for what exactly was the reason for her being in these worlds. Who was it? What was it?

She didn’t know. Her life force felt drained, but her aim felt clear. She wanted to bring peace as soon as possible. 

As she leapt from one tree to another, some memories resurfaced in her mind.

There was a time when she was a rookie as a kpop idol, her company, SM Twon had extremely poor treatment for Chinese idols. Although Rubi was half Korean and half Chinese, the xenophobia of the korean netizens, as well as international netizens didn't lessen at all. She was still mistreated by her company, and her country.

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