Chapter 13: Aunty M - Now Hiring Food!

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It was like a poorly written drama scene in a soap opera. Parts of the roof were blown to bits and what had once been a sunny sky now rumbled with distant thunder, and heavy clouds rolled over with the scent of rain.

Already a few drops of water were starting to fall, and Percy cursed as he did his best to gather Song-ee more underneath him in an attempt to shield her from the rain as he practically roared, "WILL!"

"BUSY!" Both Annabeth and Will screamed at the same time, and it was only after a flash of lightning lit the area around them before Percy realized with horror that he wasn't the only one cornered.

Outside the building were at least two other beasts that looked similar to Ms. Dodds, both of them screeching and cackling as Grover tried to throw his tin cans at them while Annabeth and Will yielded their daggers.

"Percy!" Song-ee said from beneath him, and her hands gripped his shirt tightly as she pulled him down close to her, his face tucking into her neck as she squeezed his shoulders tight and buried her nose into his hair.

Above them, there was a nasty cracking sound along with the sound of acid, and Percy snapped his head back just in time to see Ms. Dodds retract a wicked looking whip with barbs while tutting.

"You naughty child," Ms. Dodds hissed. "I should have disciplined you more. You are a curse, Percy Jackson, and you will answer to Hades for your crimes!"

"I liked you better when you were my math teacher," Percy spat, and he was quick to jump to his feet and stand in front of Song-ee, who was trying her best to stand but could only press a hand to her wound while groaning.

"Ha!" Ms. Dodds screeched. Her wings flapped in agitation behind her back as she bared her fangs. "You children could barely understand your times tables, much less algebra! How many times did I have to tell you that signs change when you put the x to one side!"

"Kill her, seaweed brain!" Annabeth shouted as a sudden dagger shot between them and almost pierced Ms. Dodds, who screeched and took a few steps back.

"Shit, shit, shit," Will cursed as he ran through the hole in the wall and straight towards Song-ee. "You're losing way too much blood, shit!"

"My sisters!" Ms. Dodds wailed in both outrage and grief as she witnessed the last of the dust that had to be the other monsters drift away in the rain. When she looked back at Percy, her eyes were literally on fire from anger, and she screeched, "time to go to Tartarus, honey!"

It was like instinct, uncapping Riptide and taking a broad stroke the moment she lunged.

It was hard. Way harder than his spar with Luke or even Song-ee. The rain was pelting down hard by that point and he could barely see two feet in front of him; numerous mortals were standing outside shouting over each other wondering what to do, and the smell of ozone was so strong that the hairs on his arms stood straight up.

But the worst part was how he could only concentrate on the conversation behind him, one of whispered words and hushed worry.

"Hand me the ambrosia, Grover. Quickly!"

"Here, take it! I'm not good with blood, guys. I-Is she going to be okay?"

"She's... just breathe, Grover. Let Will do his work..."

"You hurt her," Percy whispered harshly when his blade met Ms. Dodds' whip with a ferocity that normally should have turned his arms to jelly. He was sure that the fire in her eyes was reflected in his own, and he wanted to destroy her, wanted to turn her to dust just like that Minotaur did to his mother, and he was so angry that he could hardly breathe. "You're responsible."

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