Chapter 10: A Mummy Tried to Hit On Me

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Percy barely had enough time to lift his arms and catch Song-ee as she tried her best to strangle him in her hug. Her arms were way too tight around his neck and he was sure his eyes were bulging out like a dog's squeezy toy, but he simply buried his nose into the side of her hair and thanked the gods she was okay.

"What were you doing down there?"

Any tender thought he had for his friend crashed out the window when she lifted a hand and smacked him right on the crown of his head.

"What the Hades, Song-ee!" He yelped as he pushed her away and cradled his head when she took another threatening step towards him. "Don't get any closer, crazy woman!"

"You - impossible - how could you just run in like that!" Song-ee said, her fists tight bullets of pain as she continued to hit him wherever he didn't manage to block. "The Athena children were on the way! Chiron had the Apollos organized! Mr. D was only minutes away from getting back from Olympus!"

"Someone sedate her before she does permanent damage," Will said from somewhere on the ground. He looked better than before, his brother beside him looking a little ill from healing so much, and Will winked at Percy. "I think you did pretty great."

"Hey, easy! I already almost died, I'd rather not have another near-death experience today, thanks!" Percy yelled as she laid a final blow on his arm. Ouch.

"Calli, why don't you redirect yourself and help the Apollo children help treat any wounded campers," Chiron said kindly, trotting over and placing a hand on Song-ee's shoulder. "I'm sure Michael would appreciate the help."

"What? But Percy's hurt, shouldn't I help him first?" Song-ee said, suddenly looking worried as she glanced up at the centaur.

"Most of these bruises are from you!"

Both Chiron and Song-ee ignored Percy's incredulous cry.

"Janette and Michael are currently the only ones unharmed who may use their gift of healing. Will and the others sustain far too many injuries. Your support would be vital," Chiron said, gesturing to the woods behind them.

He was right. A good number of the Apollo children were hurt the more Percy looked at them. He knew from what Will told him that only a couple of them were supernaturally gifted at healing, and he nearly startled when he felt something poke his calf.

It was Janette, her large blue eyes blinking up at him and her entire body covered with mud, but she seemed otherwise okay as he reached down and scooped her up when she silently raised her hands.

"It's fine, Song-ee," Percy said, holding Janette onto his hip and bouncing her absent-mindedly as her fingers began to poke at the small bruises still on him. Each sharp touch came with a small burst of sunlight and the strange sensation of getting healed instantly. "Will needs help and so do the other campers."

"I don't want to leave you," Song-ee said rather plainly. She eyed him and said, "by this point you'll tell me you fought a cyclops the moment my back's turned."

"Have a little faith in me," Percy said in exasperation as he carefully handed over a now squirming Janette. Song-ee took her and kissed her head. "We'll talk later, I promise."

Song-ee frowned at him. There were small, star-shaped flowers in her eyes that bloomed with her uncertainty, and he jolted when she leaned down and bonked their foreheads together.

"Ow?" He said in bewilderment, raising a hand to his head and rubbing at the spot.

She started to make her way back to the others, her soft words of comfort to Janette inaudible, and Percy looked back up at Chiron with confusion probably written all over his face.

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