Chapter 2

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"Is the life worth the pain?" I hear her voice again

distant yet familiar, as if she's standing right beside me. I saw her silhouette, shrouded in haze, perched on the edge of a building.

"Is there anything better this life could give me?"

Her form wavers in the mist. I strain to see her clearly, but the fog obscures her features, leaving only a ghostly outline.

I heard her say "Why is it always me" followed by a snob.

Her words carry a note of bitterness, a weariness that resonates within me. I feel a pang of empathy, a shared sense of disillusionment with the world.

I felt myself move closer to her, as the fog starts to fade away.

"Will anyone miss me?" Her words hang in the air, heavy with uncertainty. I take a further step closer, curiosity mingling with concern as she teeters on the edge.

But then My steps froze, I was so close to her.

Close enough that if I reached out my hand, I could touch her hairs. Feel the softness of them on my finger tips.

"Will anyone remember? " the wind blew her hairs and I could smell something sweet, like coco and butter?

My senses are heightened, every detail is being etched into my memory as I stand transfixed by her presence

"Will anyone cry for me....." she paused, my heart was going crazy in my chest.

"If I ..... died" she completed her sentence, her voice was so clear and so broken that the goosebumps on my neck rose up.

This is the first time, she thought about actually dying. And I felt the air in my lungs burning out of control.

I wanted to say something, I wanted to answer her, tell her "yes" I felt my lips moving but I don't think she heard me, because my voice was barely audible above the wind.

"Yes, someone would care."

I hear her laugh for the first time, But her laughs, it was a hollow sound that reverberates through the night.

It wasn't a carefree one rather a sarcastic one. now she was standing up on that building's edge.

"Who am I kidding, I don't have any who cared this much" she was looking up at the sky while my eyes were staring at her back in disbelief.

I shake my head. How could she believe she was alone in the world? Didn't she have a family, friends, pet? anyone who would miss her if she were gone?

"Will anyone care enough to save me?" Her words cut through the air like a knife, sending a shiver down my spine. I watch in horror as she takes a step forward, her eyes fixed on the gray sky above.

I felt the blood draining from my body.

My throat was so dry, but I couldn't ease it by swallowing.

"Yes" I found myself saying

"Yes" I repeat my throat hurts and I don't think she is listening or that fact I am even breathing.

She was going to fall.

Right in front of me

But she doesn't hear me. She's lost in her own despair, her gaze now fixed on the void below.

"Yes" I gather my voice and scream louder with all the hope of her listening to my voice if not the beats of my heart.

I was frozen one moment and the next I finally moved, not being able to balance myself I fall forward my hands and knees on the ground.

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