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The sunlight dances over my face as I lay in the grass, eyes closed and ears attentive to the music the birds provide. 

"I am sad." I whisper into the open air, willing the wind to grasp at my words and carry them far away, along with the burden of my heart.

"I am always sad." I reaffirm quietly, feeling that dull but comfortable pain thud quietly, constantly reminding me of its presence.

With a sigh, I sit upright and prop my arms on my knees.  My eyes lazily open and gaze out at the open field beyond me. Almost as if on cue, a little fox pops from its den and gazes familiarly at me. 

I call her Mira. 

Ever since I first saw her pop out of that small unassuming hole in the ground , I knew I wanted to spend every day visiting her. And maybe one day, she'd come up to me and let me pet her. 

But for now, we talk.

"Hi Mira." I greet quietly, trying to sound welcoming

Foxes have excellent hearing. So its no surprise when she lifts her head mid stretch and gazes back at me in greeting. Not moving an inch closer but also seemingly deciding that there was enough distance for a nice quiet afternoon conversation.

"You're very lucky to have someone like me wait around for you everyday." I tell her very matter factly , gazing up at the clouds now.

"I call for you. I desire your company." 

"But no one calls for me, no one chooses my company" I tug on a blade of grass now and let it dance between my fingers

"No one would notice that I was gone."

"The memory of me would fade"

"I'm just a ghost"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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