chapter two.

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Blythe sat at the small table in her private chambers, reading over the letter she had recently received from her father. She was less than enthused that he had attempted to reach out to her, as neither Crouch attempted to speak to one another after her mother's funeral. Barty seemed to fail at the idea of comforting his daughter just after the loss of both her brother and mother, and when she left to teach at Hogwarts, he could not do much else to prevent her from leaving. But the letter he wrote seemed genuine; he was trying to communicate with Blythe, which somewhat surprised her. She read the letter a few more times, folded it on the table, and left it there to get dressed for the morning.

The first week of classes had flown by rather quickly, and Blythe had been able to meet Harry Potter in person. Thursdays were when she had first years, but so did Minerva. The first-year students would switch from Minerva's classroom to Blythe's, where Harry and his friend, Ron Weasley, rushed in silently and found their seats. Blythe watched them suspiciously, wondering what had made these first years nervous. But it did not take long for her to figure it out as she silently snorted at Harry's recollection of the threat of being turned into a clock by Professor McGonagall. Unlike Minerva's, her class was rather uneventful and felt like all her other classes had for the week. Severus, however, had completely different complaints about the Potter boy, leading to Blythe teasing him in annoyance before he left her classroom.

It was the first Saturday of the year, and she and Minerva planned to take students to Hogsmeade, a treat only rewarded to certain age groups so long as they had permission. Blythe wore her usual jumper and skirt combination beneath her teaching robes and only pulled part of her hair back out of her face before she tucked her wand away and left her sleeping chambers to join Minerva for breakfast before they left with their group of students. The brunette walked down the halls until she made her way to Minerva's office.

Blythe rubbed her hands together when she reached Minerva's office, raising her hand to knock on the door. It opened slightly, and Blythe let herself in to see Minerva seated at her desk: quickly scrawling some writing onto a piece of parchment. Minerva looked up, her sharp eyes landing on Blythe as the brunette wrung her hands together before she sat in the chair across from Minerva.

"Do you have the Hogsmeade list?" Minerva questioned, to which Blythe hummed as she rubbed a hang along the fabric of her grey teaching robes.

"I made sure to take care of it as I was leaving this morning," Blythe spoke as she pulled a rolled-up parchment out of a pocket on her robes, setting it on Minerva's desk and watching the older professor look it over.

"Perfect," Minerva blindly held the parchment back up, rereading what she had been writing down when Blythe entered. The older professor began using one hand to fold the parchment up, "Would you take attendance then?"

"Of course," Blythe grabbed the parchment, rolling it up and tucking it away as she watched Minerva stuff the letter into an envelope and seal it up, then she tucked it in her desk and quickly folded her hands on top of it to turn her full attention to Blythe.

"How has the year treated you so far, dear?" Minerva questioned, putting Blythe on the spot in an instant. The brunette pursed her lips slightly, nodding her head back and forth and resisting the urge to offer a weak shrug. Minerva cleared her throat once more, "Blythe."
Blythe's wide brown eyes finally met Minerva's sharp green ones, and she flashed a smile, "It is hard to determine as of right now, but the Potter boy seems promising despite what Severus may think."

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