Chapter 5 food

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It's been a few days sense Adam has come by.  Maybe he was sick of me and realized there was nothing special about me anyway. 

      "Hello ma'am I brought you some food." a random nurse said putting a tray on my lap. 

"No thank you I'm fine." I said handing her the tray back. 

"You haven't eaten anything other than a few salads and water though." she said. 

"I know but I'm fine." I insisted. 

"Your going to have to drink a boost." she threatened.  

"I'm not drinking that shit." I snapped, when it came to people forcing me to eat it made me mad. 

"Ok I'm going to page your doctors and they will get food in you no matter what if this goes on for much longer." she said then walked off. 

There was no way in hell I was going to let them put food in me. 


      The nurse comes in with two cups of what looks like chocolate milk and hands them to me. 

"Dear you need to drink this, it's some boost." she said.

"No, I'm not drinking any of that." I said glaring at her. 

"If you refuse we will have to tube you." she said putting the drinks down next to me. 

"What's that mean?" I asked. 

"It's when we put a tube down your nose to you stomach and give you the nutrition you need." she answered.  

Haha over my dead body I thought to myself. 

"Ok I'm going to call the people to come and do it." she snapped and walked out. 


Suddenly people start to pour into my room with tubes and a bunch of supplies. 

"Oh fuck no! Im not letting you do that to me!" I yelled but they didn't listen and kept setting up everything. 

I screamed and fought but they took out a needle and jabbed it into my leg. Everything became blurry and slowed down before I knocked out. 

       Light flutters in slowly and instant discomfort came over me.  When I opened my eyes I was hooking up to tubes once again. But then something strong and warm grabbed my hand, I look over and there was Adam sitting there.  I attempted to talk but couldn't because a tube was going down my throat from my left nose nostril and he looked at me with pure worry. 

"Hey..." he said softly with a warm smile.

I squeezed his hand to show him I was glad he was finally here.  But why was he gone for so long?  Then when I really studied his face I noticed a cut on his eyebrow. I pointed to it and at first he looks confused then remembered lifting his hand to the cut. 

"I uh got into some trouble on the job." he shrugged. 

He could see the worry on my face now and rubs his thumb up and down my hand. 

"Hey its ok, it's my job" he said trying to comfort me. 

I couldn't help but think of how good his hand felt in mine but wasn't this unprofessional for him to be touching me like this? I didn't want him to get in trouble but I couldn't find the strength of pulling away from his grip. 

"Anyway lets see if they can unhook you now." he said getting up to find the nurse. 

After a few minutes the nurse walks in followed by Adam. 

"Hi sweetie how are you?" she asked pity in her tone. 

I rose up my hand and gave her a thumbs down. 

"Well you've gotten enough nutrition so we can take these tubes out but I'm warning you its going to hurt for a bit." she said. 

She walked over undid the tape and started to pull the tube out of my nose. And she was right it hurt like hell.  I groaned in pain till relief finally came over once the tube was out. 

"Now lets avoid this next time." the nurse said gathering everything up and leaving.

"Why aren't you eating Stella?" Adam asked. 

"Because...." I said not wanting to finish my sentence. 

He sighed and looked at the floor deep in thought. I could feel the guilt seeping in but the reason why would rat out my dad and I couldn't do that.  Suddenly the doctor this time walks in the room pulling Adam out of his thoughts. 

"Good news, we have detoxed you and were releasing you tonight." he said causing fear to shoot through me. No no no I didn't want to go back home! I don't want to go back to that hell! 

I could feel Adam study me in the corner of my eye so I tried to play it cool. 

"I'll call you parents and tell them to pick you up tonight."  The doctor said before walking out. 

"Whats wrong?" Adam asked. 

"Nothing I'm just tired." I lied 

I could tell he knew I was lying but didn't push it. 


     After Adam left I expected my mom to pick me up but my dad comes into the room instead.  Once we got in to the car hell broke lose. 

"You pathetic piece of shit!! You know how much money you caused us!! Your a mistake we should of never had you!!!" he yelled at me the whole drive home then right when he parked in our driveway he right hooked me right in my jaw. 

I held my face tears running down my red cheek. 

"It wasn't my fault I was drugged!" I yelled back trying to defend myself for the first time.

But that only made his more angry and he started to pound on me. 

Once he was done he stormed out leaving me in the car crying like a little baby. Why couldn't I have a nice dad, that was all I asked for.         

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