Chapter 2 The bridge

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   I wake up in the middle of the night by my parents arguing and screaming at each other downstairs.  I began to cry when I heard my mom whimper in pain by him smacking her.  I felt like I caused this, they used to love each other so much when I was a little kid but now it seems like every time they talk it always becomes an argument but I guess it doesn't help that my father is an alcoholic.  Maybe if I was never born they wouldn't be so stressed out with the bills and work all the time because they had to provide for me.  If I just disappeared would it solve the problem, would anyone even notice or miss me? 

   The next morning I went down to get my daily cup of coffee running into my mom having breakfast by herself. 

"Oh hey sweetie." she greeted me.

I smiled at her in response. 

"Where's dad?" I asked, causing my mother to frown. 

"Uh, He left last night." she answered.  

I turn to my coffee that's being made and hide the small smile forming on my lips hoping deep down he was gone for good. 

"Hey um, do you want to go shopping, it's a beautiful Saturday." my mom said getting up to put her dishes in the sink.  I felt bad for her about last night so I looked at her a nodded yes making her smile.  

"Okay then go get ready before we go."  she said excitement was forming in her tone. 

   We've been at the mall for a few hours and to be honest I was having a good time with my mom.  we got a few shirts, jewelry and now we were heading back home.  Everything seemed to be going fine for once in my life and I was really hoping it would stay that way but sadly it didn't.   When we got back to the house there was my dad drinking a beer at the table and my mom went straight to him like their argument  never happened.  Of course he didn't leave for good, we were the only ones who didn't rat him out on his bullshit!  He was going to keep drinking and beating us till someone grows some balls and snitches him out but we were too scared to be the ones.  I ran upstairs before they could say anything to me and grabbed my bottle of vodka out of my backpack. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  After too many gulps I lock my door and watch the walls spin.  There was a soft knock on my door. 

"Go away!" I yell. 

"We need to talk about this Stella."  my mother said through the locked wooden door. 

"Just leave me alone!" I cried. 

I could hear her steps slowly fade away till it became silent but part of me wished that she pushed more to take to me and see if I was really okay but of course she didn't. 

   I woke up with no memory of what happened last night, all I know is that I had a horrible stomach ache and was glad it was Sunday.  I needed some water so I stumbled my way downstairs to get a glass but then got smacked with the reason why I was drinking last night....There was my dad making coffee.

"Oh good morning darling." he greeted 

"Don't, don't do that, don't act like everything is fine and normal." I snapped glaring at him. 

He slammed his mug on the hard counter causing it to shatter into pieces making me jump in fear. 

"I don't need your attitude." he said through his yellow teeth.  

I'm...I'm sorry I whimpered keeping my head down like a little puppy.  

"Clean this mess up and make me another one." He demanded 

And I did as told. 


"Here" I said handing him a new cup of coffee. 

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