𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3

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Sam was sat on the bed whilst mel and dean tore the room apart looking for the first aid kit. See, sam and dean had been wounded before, but never this bad, sure it was a cut on his arm , but the creature had sliced open the radial artery, making sam lose blood, and fast. Finally dean finds the small red box and jogs up to his brother, desperately clutching his arm, he pulls out a bandage, a needle and some string.

"mel grab the vodka." he orders the girl. Mel looks at him confused.

"not for me, for him, anesthetic and disinfectant." dean explains. Mel runs and grabs the bottle to hand it to dean. Dean unscrews the bottle and hands it to mel,

"make him drink a third of this, NOW!" 

"jesus okay" she replies as she hurriedly tips to bottle up to sam's lips, making sure that none of the liquid is wasted. Once sam was done, he pulled a disgusted face and mel handed dean the bottle.

"sammy look at me, here bite down on this okay?" she says gently as she holds up a clean rag. Sam gives her the most heart melting look , his eyes meeting hers

before nodding and opening his mouth for mel to place the rag in between his teeth.

"sammy im going to count to three and put some of this on your cut" dean announces, holding up the bottle.

"okay one-" and before he could get to three, dean had poured about three ounces of the drink on his brother's cut, making sam groan in pain.

"shhhh sam it's okay, here look at me" mel says, grabbing his face and forcing him to look at her. "dean is going to be really quick, he gonna patch you up so fast you wont even realize it, isn't that right dean?" "mhm" dean replies.

"all i need you to do sammy is breathe, can you do that for me, breathe deep breaths through your nose." she asks him, trying to keep the boy distracted, sam obliges and follows her lead, taking ten deep breaths, after that, dean was done and sam was all patched up.

"yeah i'm going out for a smoke" dean says once he was done wiping his hands, and with that he was gone.

Sam was covered in dried up blood but his stitches made him unable to shower , so mel took it upon herself to clean him up. 

The tv was on and sam was sitting at the foot of the bed when mel came back out of the bathroom with a bucket of hot water and a towel.

"what are you doing?" he asked her, she simply laughed and smiled.

"sammy you aren't going to bed with blood all over you , come on" she replies as she takes a seat next to him, putting the bucket in his lap. She slowly dips the towel in and brings it to his arms, then neck and finally his face, softly scrubbing away the blood on his cheeks and forehead. Their eyes meet and mel couldn't help but remember that dream. He softly smiled at her, their faces only inches away.

"thank you" he whispers. Mel bites her lip and smiles back, suddenly the door swings open and dean walks in, making the room reek of cigarettes.

"am i interrupting anything?" he asks as he puts his coat down on a chair. 

Mel's face goes bright red .

"no, no" she manages to croak out. Sam awkwardly looks at the floor as dean takes a seat on the other bed.

"so, what are we watching?" he asks.


The next morning was a blur for sam, considering the insane amount of alcohol he had downed the night before. 

He took a look around the room, noticing that no one was there, the only thing hinting that he wasn't alone was the sound of the shower running. Dean's keys weren't on the table and his jacket was missing so sam could only assume that he had gone out to grab the trio some breakfast.

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