𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1

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its almost been a month since sam dean and mel left that motel room, and still no sign of their fathers, and as time went by , their hope dimmed.

The three hunters were in the impala, on the way to a dinner as it was early morning, they had been driving all night in order to solve a case of strange deaths in a small suburban town in massachusets. Mel was asleep in the backseat, resting her head on a balled up hoodie as a makeshift pillow but she was jolted awake as they hit a speed bump.

"are we there yet?" the 19 year old asked groggily, rubbing her eyes. 

dean chuckles

"yeah just 20 more minutes mel." sam replies.

"thank god you're awake" dean exclaims as he turns the radio up and the melody of we didn't start the fire by billy joel starts playing. sam lets out a huff.

"chin up sammy" dean teases.

the rest of the drive went by smoothly and the trio find a dinner on the outskirts of the town of silverton.

they were sitting in a booth waiting for their food when the waitress came up to them to pour some coffee.

"some coffee for you, and you sweetheart, and for the handsome man too" she says and dean laughs 

"well thank you very much" he says, a sly smirk on his face, but the waitress shakes her head,

"no i meant your brother honey" she says , giving sam a wink before heading back behind the counter to check on their food.

sam turned bright red, usually it was his brother getting hit on, not him, he looked at his hands instead of looking at the two others at the table who gave each other a surprised look.

"moving on" dean breaks the silence "so we are looking to understand who killed these people and why, the vics are all men in their early twenties, conventionally attractive, and single, what do we think?" 

"i say a vengeful ghost" sam replies

mel shakes her head and puts her cup down,

"bet you twenty bucks it's a witch" she counters,

"i'm with mel on this one" dean says, and sam shakes his head

"you are so on" he chuckles


"agents miller, smith and this is junior agent delacour" dean says to the young man standing at the door "we'd like to come in and ask you some questions if that's okay with you?" dean adds.

the young woman nods and lets the trio in.

"so we understand that you and the late matthew james were roomates?" the older brother asks the man, who in turns wipes his nose on his sleeve, mel cringes .

"uh, i yeah, matt and i have been best friends since highschool man, he was so young" he says tears welling up in his eyes. 

a sad look flashes in sam's eyes when he hears the man,

"it's procedure that we ask this, but could you think of anyone who would want to harm mr james?" mel asks, crossing her legs.

"harm him? no, i mean matt did leave a string of broken hearts but none of them would go out of their way to harm him as far as i know... why are you asking me this? matt died of a heart attack, thats what the cops told me!" he exclaimed, confused.

"as i said, sir, it's procedure, we just want to make sure nothing is out of place." mel responds.

the young man nods.

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