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Next morning....

{alarm goes off}

(Aaliyah groans and turns off the alarm. She feels Chad shift over and put his head on her shoulder)

Chad: (raspy) Good morning mi reina.

Aaliyah: (raspy) Morning mi amor.

Chad: What time is it?

Aaliyah: 5:50, we should get ready.

Chad: Do we have to? (shifts closer)

Aaliyah: (laughs quietly) Yes we have to.

Chad: (groans) Fine.

(Chad and Aaliyah get out of her bedroom and got dressed) (Aaliyah's outfit is on the top)


{time skip}

{Lava Springs: Kitchen}

(Chad and Aaliyah are in kitchen, with the others, eating breakfast)

?: It's so good. I cannot wait.

?: Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast, I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.

Kelsi: Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.

Chad: I don't know.

Kelsi: We'll get it eventually.

(Troy sits across from them)

Chad: Excuse me. (leaves)

(Kelsi passes Troy a piece of paper. Troy reads the paper, looks at Kelsi, then the rest of us. Troy crumbles the paper, slams it on the table and leaves)

Aaliyah: He didn't have to slam it like that, jeez.

Kelsi: He's mad just like the rest of us.

Aaliyah: Why would he be mad? He gets to perform at the talent show not us.

Chad: She has a point.

Aaliyah: Wait, where's Gabs? Shouldn't she be in here?

Jason: No one told you.

Aaliyah: Told me? Told me what?

Kelsi: Aali (Ally), Gabriella quit.

Aaliyah: She what?

Kelsi: Yeah, she quit and she's not coming back.

Aaliyah: Are you serious?

(Kelsi nods her head)

Aaliyah: (turns to Chad) Did you know about this?

Chad: I just found out this morning, when you went to go clean the art studio.

Aaliyah: So, I was the last one to know?

Kelsi: Yeah.

Aaliyah: Who was the first?

Kelsi: Troy.

Aaliyah: Oh, that makes sense.

Chad: Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?

Aaliyah: (happily) Yeah.

Chad: What time are you ending shift tomorrow?

Aaliyah: Probably after my advanced private lesson.

Chad: Ok.

Aaliyah: Ok, I have to go. Te amo mi amor.

Chad: I love you too mi reina.

Wildcat Summer || HSM 2 (Chad Danforth + oc)Where stories live. Discover now