Chapter 33: The Price Of A Good Show

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Rosella slipped into her simple black dress she wore as part of the orchestra. It was her favorite. Comfortable, modest, unnoticeable and hid her insecurities perfectly. She wanted to disappear into the sea of black tie attire. Avi had told her she could become a role model for people. How was that going to work if she were forced to participate in these ceremonies?

She was glad about the distance between her and the tributes. She was at the front where the parade would end. There was a large stage that held the orchestra, and important officials, the President, senators, Dr. Gaul, and of course the one and only Coriolanus Snow.

Speaking of which, he made his way over to her. "Hey, how's it going?"

"Dr. Gaul came to the penthouse and touched my dog!" Rosella said angrily.


"She said you sent her there!"

"No... I called Ma, and she said she couldn't because she had a doctor's appointment... Gaul said she was leaving to have milk and crackers."

"How the hell did she get into the apartment? And why?"

"I don't know..." Coriolanus put his hand behind her head and leaned in closer. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

Rosella smiled slightly. "I already took care of it."

"Good," Coriolanus kissed her cheek. "Good luck!"

"You too," she said softly, kissing him back.

"Curtain comes up in one minute, five 'til the first chariot," a stage aid announced to the orchestra. Rosella scrambled to her seat, happy to not be first chair as she was in the academy's orchestra, and was happy to be hidden from the audience that lined the streets.

Alister Bock shook hands with the concertmaster, stood at the podium, and as the curtain rose, raised his baton. The orchestra earned a polite applause, but of course, they were not there for them. Rosella spotted her brother, front and center, looking proud and strong.

The orchestra began the Horn of Plenty, which Coriolanus thought would be more suited to the parade. Rosella liked it too, it felt powerful playing with such a large and spectacular orchestra. Again, she strategically avoided any glance at the parade, focusing on the sheet music in front of her.

She blocked out the wild applause from the audience.

She assumed the chariots had made it to the front when the applause died down and President Ravinstil began to speak. "Welcome!" He boomed, riling the audience again. "Capitol citizens... honored gamemakers... and of course, the real stars... Tributes. We welcome you to our capitol. And we applaud your bravery... and your sacrifice! Happy Hunger Games... and may the odds be ever in your favor!"

The crowds went wild for this, and started some sort of chant. It was the first time Rosella looked up from her sheet music into the audience during this, and quickly stopped after seeing their excited faces, acting like this was some sort of circus act. It was haunting.

She went to join Tigris afterwards, mustering up the courage to face the tributes themselves. Coriolanus accompanied her as well.

"Tigris!" He called, extending his arms to hug her. "Amazing! It was perfect! You are the best!" Tigris laughed and accepted the hug. Rosella was worried she was letting her love for fashion get in the way of what was going on.

"What did you think?" Tigris asked, smiling at Rosella.

"Umm..." she said softly. She couldn't answer, as she had not seen any of the tributes yet. She looked around at them. Coriolanus was right, they all looked amazing, wearing Tigris's designs. They all reflected each district, but not realistically. The District 7 tributes did not look like they had just been chopping wood, and the District 12 tributes certainly did not look like they were just leaving the mines. It was all perfectly fashionable, with odes to the district.

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