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( nineteen )

I stare at the list of chores in front of me, struggling not to groan. Jackie seems to be in shock and Cole is being his typical sunshine self. Note the sarcasm.

"What? You didn't think you were just gonna hang around and watch TV all day, did you?"

I purse my lips at George's comment and busy myself with the pancakes in front of me. If there's one thing I hate, it's chores. I go all brain fuzzy with the overwhelming tasks to do and usually fail at my attempts of multitasking.

It certainly was not helping that Cole seemed to be in a mood due to getting grounded. Nevertheless I started my chores as soon as I could and by noon I was halfway done. I was in the barn when all of a sudden I hear a familiar voice.

"I told Katherine that I had to talk to you about a super important school project," Grace chirps. "Obviously there's no project, but there is a rumor you went to Dylan's cabin party?! Did you get drunk? Did you play Truth or Dare? I heard they play some R-rated version of it-"

I cut her off, "Yes, I did go. No, I didn't get drunk, but Jackie did. And, no I did not play Truth or Dare. Or at least, we didn't get to my turn because I almost passed out. Cole helped me though, it was actually really sweet." I frantically check to make sure he's not nearby.

"Oh my god? We don't talk for one day and you and Jackie's lives gets so much juicier!"

I laugh, considering if I should tell her about Cole and I's kiss. Probably not, I mean Cole and I haven't even talked about it.

"Okay, I need to go talk to Jackie now. Bye!"

"Bye, Grace!"

Later that day, Jackie's up in our room studying while I watch the rest of the Walters leave for a party. Even though I shouldn't be proud of being grounded, I am happy I don't have to go.

I lean on the porch railing as Cole walks past and George tells him about a bad storm that's expected to pass. I walk towards him for some moral support since he seems bitter.

"Get some of these bikes away," the older Walter states.

Cole replies with an unenthusiastic thumbs up and it's a little scary that I find it endearing. Just as they're gone, I turn to Cole.

I mock his frown with one of my own, "Why the long face, Dionysus?"

He playfully glared back, "Don't call me that."

I fake consideration, "No, I think it's fitting given the effect you have on girls."

"Oh, yeah?" He inches closer to me, towering above me. He whispers the next part, "And are you one of those girls?"

A red flush covers my cheeks as I whisper, "Maybe."

He smiles for the first time today and I smile in return. I can practically feel my heart beating out of my chest. I really want to kiss him again, I think to myself.

I start to lean closer, and to my surprise, his smile grows and he wastes no time. Full of glee, I wrap my arms around his neck as soon as our lips touch. His find their way to my waist and pull me closer. I could live here, in his arms, forever.

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