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( welcome to colorado )

I woke earlier than everyone because I hate interacting early and showered a bit before sunrise. At the moment, I was getting ready for school and I laughed causing Jackie to look up at me.


"Nothing, we just have such opposite tastes," I giggled.

She laughed and shook her head as she saw her Ralph Lauren top spread out compared to my Lola Dré top.

I put on my Burberry "Her" perfume as I grab my black Converse backpack. We walk down together as Katherine offers us food.

"The boys are going to take you to school, I will see you later. I can't wait to hear all about your day girls," she smiled.

I smiled back, "Bye Katherine."

I waited for Jackie as she grabbed an apple and we walked outside. It was pretty warm so I folded my cardigan and put it in my backpack. I walked over to the car and Cole spoke out to me.

"Come on, New York. Get in."

Danny told me to sit up front between him and Cole. I smiled at him in thanks as Jackie got in between Nathan and Alex. I'd never been in a car that seated three in each row before. And being this close to Cole made me nervous as he smirked at me.

As we pulled into the school parking lot, I noticed a group of girls staring at Cole and whispering excitedly. Great, so he's that guy.

"Hey, guys! Full car today so, Isaac, no offering rides to random cheerleaders. And we leave at 3:30 sharp!"

I laughed a bit as I got out of the car. I almost walked off, but I saw Jackie still in the car. Before I could go comfort her though, Nathan and Danny went.

I smiled to myself, maybe this won't be so bad after all.

I turned around to look at the school when Cole said, "So, what do you think?"

"It's... big," I answered,

"Not like them fancy Manhattan schools, huh?"

I turned to glare at him, but his smirk stayed.

That's when a girl walk up to Cole and he kissed her. I was a little taken aback, but honestly not surprised. Of course, Cole had a girlfriend. I just turned back around and waited for Jackie to walk in.

"Good luck, today, New York," Cole said, looking back at me as he walked in with the girl.

I nodded as I ran a hand through my wavy hair. The girl looked back at me after, but only briefly and I felt my stomach knot. I knew that look.

Jackie asked the question I was dying to know, "Is she his girlfriend?"

Danny answered, "Erin? Yeah, sometimes. Cole doesn't really date. Like, he has girls that he hooks up with, but he always ends up back with Erin."

I pursed my lips, that sounds awful.

We walked Jackie to her history class and I told Danny I'd find my own way. He nodded and I made my way to my math class. I frowned; I hate math.

However, as I looked for where to sit, a boy offered me the seat next to him.

"Thanks, I was going to die of embarrassment if I didn't sit down soon," I joked.

He laughed, "Any time. I'm Skylar."

"Charlotte. I'm new here."

"Nice to meet you, Charlotte. And don't worry, if you need anyone to talk to, just let me know."

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