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Aaliyah is Gabriella's younger sister, and she's Chad Dandforth's girlfriend. Her best friend is Jordan, one of the cheerleaders. She's friends with the cheer squad, the basketball boys, Gabriella, Taylor, Troy, Martha, Kelsi, Ryan, sometimes Sharpay, etc.

She likes to cheer, paint, and play basketball. She still cheers from time to time, but her main focus this summer is painting. Aaliyah barely got to paint during the school year, but this summer was going to change that. She bought a lot of paint stuff, her mom helped buy it too, so Aaliyah had to repay her for her generosity.

Aaliyah's room is designed l.e.d lights, her trophies from cheer and painting competitions, pictures with her and family, friends, and Chad, she also had music posters of Micheal Jackson, her favorite artist. To sum it up her whole room was kind of vintage.

She knew how to play basketball because at her old school, she used to play. She has a mix of girly-girl, tomboy, and vintage aesthetic type. She sings sometimes, but she mostly leaves it up to Gabriella. Aaliyah is looking for a job, but she doesn't know where to start. So she hopes she finds a job, paint more and cheer. But most of all to have fun.

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