|Chapter Four: Snap and crack|

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A Deathday Party?

What kind of immoral thing is that, celebrating the day one dies?

And yet, here Harry was, stood with Ron on his left and Hermione on his right as they stared around at the countless Hogwarts ghosts floating around a small ballroom of sorts

The Fat Frier was belting deep belly laughs at a joke that Peeves the Poltergeist had told.

Peeves was a squat deviant ghost who wore colourful clothes and had curly ginger hair. His nose was pointed, and he always wore an all-knowing mocking look, as though he knew a prank was coming along.

It was rare sight, Peeves not getting up to mahem was like a Magic School without Magic, like Batman without orphanhood, unheard of.

But he brushed off that thought when a putrid smell invaded his senses, he pinched his nose tightly, gagging. Looking toward Ron and Hermione, he realised they could smell it too.

"What the bloody hell is that?" Ron was fighting the urge to vomit. The air felt thick and smelt like rotten food mixed with dead animals. He was frantically looking around until he smacked Hermione's arm, gesturing at one of the tables.

Her face dropped as she pressed her tie against her nose to block the stench. "Is- Is that a table of rotten food?" She was mortified and frankly appaled.


Hermione screamed as Ron jumped back in shock.

Peeves the Poltergeist had appeared behind them, giving them quite the fright. "Hmm, didn't jump Potter. I'll get you soon. Anyway, you pipsqueaks should know by now that we ghosties can't eat human food, just fazed right through. So we breathe in the fumes of the rotten food. Well- these morons can't eat any food, but I can." Peeves roared with laughter, gaining the side eyes of many jealous ghosts.

He proceeded to scoop up a massive helping of the fuzzy, green, and putrid birthday cake, and he held it before them. "Want some? It's delicious, trust me." He grinned mischievously, taking a bite of it himself. Hermione recoiled, and Ron reached for an empty flower pot and vomited into it, and a singular slug dribbled out, plonking into the bottom of this vase.

"Oh shi... That thing has been in my stomach for months. W-What if it's laid eggs and I have baby slugs in my stomach? I'm not ready to be a Mother!" Ron freaked out. "It's fine, don't panic." Harry tried to console his best friend. "But-"

Splat. "Argg!"

Peeves had just tossed the heap of rotten birthday cake into Ron's face, some of it landed into his mouth.

Ron threw up again, this time hitting Hermione dead centre on her chest. It got in her hair. A whole scene was caused by Hermione rushing to find a towel, and Ron freaking out and ran around with rotten food all down his front and on his face.

Harry was torn between who to help. He quickly grabbed a table cloth and tossed it at Hermione and then grabbed a handkerchief and used to attempt to clean up Ron while avoiding getting the rotten food and puke all over himself.

Eventually, they were panting and mostly cleaned up, except hermiones hair was now wet, and she smelt of white wine, which she'd used to get the vomit out of her hair. Ron was stained a musty green from the mould, and he also looked a bit damp.

They all appeared to be bedraggled. Harry's hair was matted from breaking apart a physical fight that had resulted between Hermione and Ron, resulting in her grabbing him by his hair to toss him aside. He was exhausted and in dire need of a nap or a rock to hide behind since they'd just caused a massive scene during Sir Nicholas's Deathday Party.

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