The Op

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Have you ever had an energy projectile fly past your head? I have—in fact, that's what happened just now. Of course, this isn't like it's my first time in a firefight. But sometimes, on a rare occasion, something like this kinda is like the first time. Sometimes, these rounds will fly by your head so close, so fast, it's like a switch in your brain gets flipped, and all you see is what could have been. Nova! Back when I accepted this op, I knew what this could have been, but this op can't be like that anymore. This whole op was rapidly undergoing fission, falling apart in spectacular nuclear decay. I didn't even realize how close that projectile flew by until I felt a burning sensation on the side of my head, which was quickly followed by the smell of burnt hair—I hate the smell of burnt hair.

I rolled behind my cover and pressed my back hard against the large, heavy crates that protected me from the onslaught of weapons fire. Bolts of energy were flying past either side of our short towers of dense metal containers. Looking ahead, I saw the wall behind us peppered with blackened and charred marks from the multitude of energy bolts that missed their intended targets.

"These guys aim worse than a Graeae sister who's lost her eye," I yelled over to Doc.

Doc was a couple crate towers over, slapping a QuikBand across his shoulder.' "It's called suppressive fire, Mikel. The intent is not to aim, but to suppress the opponent."

"Huh, is that what this is called?" I reached with my sidearm and blindly fired a couple energy rounds from around the corner of my tower. "Don't know what I'd do without you, Captain O."

Doc grunted as the QuickBand secured to his shoulder. "This extraction path is compromised. We need a new exit strategy."

I fired a couple more blind rounds from the other side of my crate tower. "Stars aligned, Doc—if I didn't love you, I'd probably shoot you. How about you talk to me about something I don't already know."

"Oi! If you two lovies are done screamin' sweet nothins, I think you should have a listen to Ghostie on the comms. She found us a new out." That was Anthony yelling above the cacophony of suppressive fire that surrounded us. He was a couple crates over to my other side. Anthony didn't like his name, so he gave himself the name of Gunner because, well, it's pretty obvious when you look at the arsenal he's running with. The guy was a firearm savant and loved being our Armorer. I, however, do not call him Gunner, even though he refuses to answer by any other name.

I reached to tap the comms unit in my ear and was met with terrible stinging pain that jolted through my head. I recoiled for a moment but quickly recovered and felt the side of my head, gritting my teeth through the agony. That energy projectile that flew past my head left a long line of second and third-degree burns and had apparently taken out my comm piece and half my ear—no wonder I never heard Leah on the comms. I withdrew my fingers from the ooze that seeped through the burns lining the side of my head. My ear, what was left of it, felt disgusting.

"When were you gonna tell me I'm missing half my ear, Doc?"

"I thought it was an obvious improvement to your face," He replied matter-of-factly. "I did not see any need to inflate your ego further."

"You're a bastard, Doc!"

A round hit one of the AG lifts that kept Doc's tower of crates upright. A small explosion burst from under the containers, and metal slowly groaned as the stack of crates swayed from the imbalance. I quickly turned back to my Armorer, pointing to the scorched side of my head.

"My comms are out. What's she saying?"

Anthony glanced up at Doc's crate tower, then down to me. "Norm and her had to split, but he's grand and movin the gem to a new loc."

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