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I can't stop kissing her. She's out of this world it's too much. I crave her. I need her, and now I'm sounding like Edward Collins. Way to go James.
We were still at the party, and we both decided to head back because we didn't want things to get out of hand. It was more my idea because if we continued going on, I wouldn't be able to conceal myself. We haven't told anyone that we made it official, at least I haven't told anyone.
I'm currently talking with my guys but my eyes keep drifting to Harper dancing with Scarlett and Taylor.

God, she is so hot.

"Dude, are you okay?" Wyatt said breaking me out of my thoughts.
"What, oh yeah, I'm Chillax" The guys stare at me like my dick is out for everyone to see, why did I say I'm Chillax their probably thinking I'm crazy.
"Okay dude whatever you say," Elliot said with a sarcastic tone
"Guys, I'm fine, fine... I'm going to get another drink" I stand up and walk to the kitchen, to see what kind of concoction I can make up, I feel a pair of hands on me, but they're not Harper, at least I think they aren't.
"Hey Jamesy"
That's not Harper's voice either, I know that voice.
I smack her hands off me and turn around.
"What the fuck Charlotte get your hand off me," I said in a yell whisper, trying not to make a scene last thing I need is Harper seeing this.
"But, James. I-I thought you-you loved me" she said slurring every word.
She's drunk and bitch I don't love you. You dating one of my best friends who is quite literally in love with you, you don't even deserve him. I need to get out of my thoughts and I need to get her away from me.
"Charlotte you're drunk how about you go find Lucis and he can take you home"
I said clearly, as I could
I pour some vodka into my cup as she walks away.
See I would take her home so that Lucis' good time is not ruined by her ass, but then that would cause a big mess that I don't want to clean up.
Word count: 385

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