Falling back

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It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
I was okay for the entire week but this one little moment ruined it. I'm not okay.
I'm falling back into my depression but deep into my depression. I'm falling to pieces.
Tears running down my face leaving a warm trail behind them running all the way down to my chin and falling off.
I'm done.
I give up.
My breath getting faster and faster with every tear dripping down my face.
My heart getting faster and faster every time I blink.
My mind going faster and faster every time I just try to breathe.
I'm leaving soon.
I want to and I will.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I am me and not this pretty person with a great life and who doesn't feel like a person who wants to kill themselves.
I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you.
I'm sorry I'm still alive.
I'm sorry.
You don't deserve this. Only I deserve this. I am a bad person and I will stay a bad person no matter what other people say.

I'm not good, pretty, kind, happy, smart, comforting. I'm nothing. I know that I'm nothing cause I feel nothing.
I just want to slit my throat open and take my last breath and go.

I can't anymore.
I'm sorry.

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