Chapter 18

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After we'd stopped our makeshift fight, which mostly consisted of Ryker attempting to dodge various elements that I threw at him, while also sending glowing balls of fire at me, which, despite his glowing tattoos, I knew was harmless. Xavier had kept quiet and his eyes tracked us with such uncharacteristic exhaustion that I began to worry, and Lillie simply sat on the bed and watched us with an amused smile on her face.

Lillie had changed into more... appropriate clothes for fighting, although I doubted she would be doing much of it. She'd traded her beautiful gown for a pair of finely-sewn pants and a loose, white, long-sleeved shirt that looked to be made out of silk. I didn't even want to know where she'd got them; I doubted this town sold such finery. Her crown was also nowhere to be seen.

Finally stopping, and a bit out of breath from dodging wisps of flame, I turned to Xavier. "What's the matter with you?"

He shrugged, one of his shoulders lifting in a lazy gesture. "Just tired, is all. And busy dreading the Rejection."

I felt Ryker and Lillie go completely still, and I knew that they understood something I didn't. "What's the Rejection?"

Lillie piped up this time, and shot Xavier a sympathetic glance, as if she didn't want him to bear the burden of sharing this news. "The Rejection is the process which allows unmated, but marked, werewolves, to break the mating bond."

I sent her a confused look. "First off, I'm not a werewolf. Secondly, we aren't mates."

A worried expression laced her features then, and my stomach turned sour as she said, "I know. There aren't many legends about Fae and werewolf mates, and even less about those who try to break the mating bond. There are also very few stories about those who can successfully even mark each other when they aren't true mates."

The look stayed plastered on my face, and I tilted my head to the side, trying to understand her words. "I don't understand..." I admitted, and she continued.

"Normally, werewolves are unable to mark each other if they aren't true mates. The marking instead would feel like a horrible bite to the neck, and nothing more. It would heal completely over time, assuming it didn't scar, just like any other wound. However, there have been times with twins and their mates where this has happened among werewolves, but..."

She loosed a breath, and glanced down at her slender, pale hands. My hands.

Ryker let out a grumble of annoyance and agitation as he said, "So you're saying you really have no idea if this is going to work?"

Xavier nodded, rising from his chair and stepping in front of his mate, as if trying to shield her from Ryker's anger. She pushed him to the side, a low growl in her throat that surprised all of us, seeing how shy she'd been at the castle.

Her eyes met mine. "There's one other thing you should know. The Rejection... it isn't exactly what one would call pleasant."

I could tell from the flash of pain that flickered across her features that she truly didn't want me to get hurt; although I was sure everyone in this room knew it had to be done. Even if... even if there was a chance that I could get hurt in the process.

I nodded my head, steely resolve no doubt flashing in my eyes. I had made my choice: I would proceed with the Rejection, no matter the cost. Not just for me, but also for Ryker, who really couldn't be with me otherwise, and for Lillie and Xavier, so they would be able to form the bond of true mates... at least in the werewolf perspective. I still didn't really know how Fae mating went, but I was almost positive it didn't involve marking.

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