Chapter 15

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The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was darkness. Well, not exactly darkness... more like nothing. Nothing at all. I couldn't hear or smell anything, and the darkness around me seemed endless. My senses began to panic from the lack of sensation, but then they were thrown back into light, into a world of color.

My breath caught as I beheld the world before me. It was the most beautiful... yet also the strangest place I'd ever been before.

I currently stood in what looked like a forest, comprised of huge, towering oak trees with leaves of various shades of orange, red, brown, and other autumn hues. The sky above me was clear and bright blue, not a cloud in site. Strangely enough, I also couldn't see a sun in the vast expanse of sky, either.

I looked to the ground below me, and noticed it, too, was covered in the varying shades of leaves. Actually, it was like I'd landed in a forest, and all that this land was made up of was a clear blue sky and endless autumn.

I could hear a slight breeze whispering through the trees, causing branches to sway gently and giving the forest, of sorts, a lively appearance. Birdsong fluttered through the air, providing a lovely melody for the space.

I breathed in, and the air was crisp and fresh, as if untainted by anything human... or supernatural.

It was then that I realized the sound of breathing behind me, and I spun around, only to be greeted by the joyful faces of two humanoid figures. After sniffing the air, I realized that they were Fae. I couldn't tell what nature of Fae they were, though they didn't look to be Elementals. If anything, they looked rather normal, like me.

The two figures before me were perfectly identical in everything except their eye color. They were both females, and had cloaks of long, black hair that cascaded over their shoulders. They were slim and had rather lithe forms, though curves were still visible through the flowing, gossamer dresses they wore that exposed parts of their porcelain skin.

And then there were their eyes. One's eyes were nearly impossibly opaque and iridescent, a color too beautiful to describe with words. Her irises shined and reflected light off, having a somewhat opal-looking appearance. The other was the exact opposite. Her eyes were impossibly dark, as if they sucked up all the darkness in the area around her. They were darker than Xavier's, and it was like staring into... well, and endless abyss of nothing... and yet something at the same time.

"Welcome to Igola," they spoke together in unison, their gentle, melodic voices drifting through the air like satin.

I took a few steps back, needing to distance myself from these Fae, whatever type they were.

The dark-eyed one seemed to sense my distress, and she held out a smooth, pale hand in a calming gesture. "Do not fear us, milady. We are here to take you to the Queen."

If this woman was addressing me as 'milady,' and she wanted to take me to her Queen, well... that meant this 'Queen' of theirs was probably the woman who haed claimed to be my mother.

I would have objected to their... offer, of sorts, if it hadn't been for the fact that I seemed to have been separated from my group of werewolves, and that they likely knew where Xavier was being kept... and could lead me straight to the woman who had allegedly took him.

Primal, instinctual rage surged up in my veins, and I struggled to keep it under control as it erupted, my lips moving unconsciously and fire forming at my fingertips.

I took a deep breath when I noticed the fearful glances from the Fae, who gave each other a knowing glance.

The light-eyed one spoke next, her voice calmer and somehow lighter than her counterpart's lilting voice. "I am Lux, and this," she paused, motioning to the girl beside her, "Is my sister, Citra. We are the the Sisters of the Shadows, and are your Messengers."

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