Chapter 1

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My father stood pacing before me, his legs illuminated by the firelight of the hearth. I could hear his near-silent steps as his shoes made contact with the stone floor, a slight click, click, click that echoed through the room. My heartbeat sped up with each click, waiting in nervous anticipation for the inevitable. I stood before him, head bowed, not making a noise. I kept my breathing as silent as I could, though it was difficult as my anxiety level skyrocketed. I felt beads of sweat forming on the nape of my neck. I'd known this was coming, but still... it was hard to accept. I just wanted him to get it over with. The clicking finally stopped, directly in front of me, and I could feel his eyes boring holes into my blonde locks that acted as a curtain that shielded me from his glare.

He took a deep, tired breath in, seemingly exhausted from all his pacing. Like he'd actually had to think about his decision, which I knew wasn't at all the case. If anything, the pacing was for the sole purpose of unnerving me, and though it was working, I knew my father had made up his mind about me long ago.

"Look at me," he commanded, voice stone cold. I obliged, lifting my head slowly until I came face-to-face with the man who was going to destroy life as I knew it. I didn't bother to wipe away the strands of hair that were now plastered to my forehead from my nervous sweating.

My eyes met his, which were full of unparalleled rage. I felt my muscles tense, knowing the storm he was about to unleash upon me would not be pleasant. When he spoke, his voice was eerily calm and icy, void of all emotion.

"Quinn," he began, spitting my name like a foul curse. "Do you understand your crime?"

I nodded my head, wanting nothing more than to curl up into a ball and never come out. I didn't bother to point out that what I'd done wasn't the crime; it was who I was that was the problem. I knew that my logic would have no impact on a man of my father's rank, who had been brain-washed since birth to hate my kind. He didn't know any different, but I still couldn't forgive him. I don't think I could ever forgive him.

"Then you understand that I have no choice but to disown you," he continued, his voice still void of any sort of emotion.

The words stung, and I blinked back tears that had began to form in my eyes. I would not cry in front of him, would not give him the satisfaction of knowing that his words hurt. I didn't say anything, just stared at him through glassy eyes.

"Do you have any last words, any requests?" he inquired, not at all sounding sincere.

I shook my head, internally raging at him for asking me the questions when he knew I couldn't speak. Besides, there was nothing he could give me that I needed, nothing that would help me on the journey to come.

"In that case, I, General Roland Ray of Her Majesty Alluna's order formally disown you, Quinn Ray due to charges of witchcraft and the practicing of the evil arts of magic. You are no longer part of my family, and I owe you nothing. You are on your own."

My throat choked up, and I couldn't reply. My father was my only family left in this world, and I still cared for him, despite how little he did for me. And without his name's protection, how would I survive in the outside world? It would be difficult enough to be a wanderer, but with the charges pressed against me? It would be nearly impossible to make due on my own.

I broke his gaze, blinking back tears that were now threatening to spill. I will not cry in front of him. I will not cry, I told myself, though I knew it was a lie. I knew my tears would fall as soon as I was alone and out of this wretched house.

His voice became quieter as he said, "I will not inform the knights of your departure until dawn tomorrow. That is all the time you have to leave and get as far away as you can."

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