Chapter 15

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"You're lying!" Zayn snapped. "And you know what you're not so innocent in all of this! You're just as much to blame!" Zayn shouted at Ashton. "Why?! Because I wanted to a vampire like you? To impress you by being like you? Or that I am a half blooded vampire? Or that I found out the truth about everything that you did and am not willing to submit myself to your power. I am old enough to take care of myself. And I don't want your kingdom or anything to do with it. I love you as my father but not my dad. I want to stay here and make it up to the people who I have harmed by taking their decision away from them and being able to love the man that I have fallen for, although we have had our issues. But I am not your toy to do with as you please. So I suggest that you should be leaving this town and make everyone happy." Ashton insisted towards Zayn. Alicia was not happy about the whole situation, especially about the fact that Zayn and Ashton were so stubborn and would not listen to reason. "Now, now, both of you boys listen to me. Firstly Zayn, you have obviously not been the best of fathers towards Ashton. Especially if was trying to get your attention so badly. But what ever he has learned about you made him change his mind about you to think the worst of you. And that needs to change. Secondly Ashton what you did was also not right. You shouldn't have tried to be someone else. Or be like someone else. You should have stayed the same old you. There was nothing wrong with you. I hope that same person is still alive in there and will resurface. Plus I am happy that you found someone to love and that hopefully loves you back. But you don't have to stay this way if you don't want to." Alicia said to both Ashton and Zayn. They were confused at her last sentence. But ashamed at the fact that they both disappointed her. "What do you mean by I don't have to stay this way if I don't want to?" Ashton asked.

Alicia (Ashton's mom)

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Alicia (Ashton's mom)

"Well you are a unique person. You have half vampire blood in you and half shape-shifter. With that it means that if we find a witch to do a certain spell on you she can take away your ripper mode and just keep you a normal vampire that is a half blood. But it is totally up to you." Alicia said shrugging her shoulders. "You mean my ripper mode would be gone and I will be more or less like the rest of the vampires here?" Ashton asked excitedly. "Yes." Alicia replied. "Well let's go find this witch that can help so that I can have a normal life. And not have to worry about killing anyone else." Ashton insisted on grabbing his mom's arm. "By the way Calum, I just wanted to apologize for everything. And for taking away both you and your sister's choices and making you vampires." Ashton insisted.

Alicia pulled Ashton to a halt. "We don't have to go looking for the witch as she is here already but needs some help and encouragement." Alicia said looking at Brandi. Brandi stood there confused as to what Alicia wanted her to do. "Are you talking about me?" Brandi asked pointing towards herself. Alicia just smiled and nodded. "Yes my dear. You can do this spell but I know that you are still a young witch that needs some help because you won't have enough strength to do it. So your mother will be helping you with it." Alicia told Brandi. Brandi looked at her shocked, her mother won't be able to help as Sierra has her captive, doesn't she? "I am sorry to tell you but my mom can't help as she is being held captive currently, by a hunter and her family." Brandi sobbed. Alicia approached her and embraced Brandi. "Don't worry my child. Your mother is safe and on her way her now. I made sure that Sierra and her family will never be able to touch you or your family ever again." Alicia told Brandi.

" Alicia told Brandi

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Brandi's mom

Just then Brandi turned around only to see her mom. She ran to her and embraced her mom. "Mom, are you ok? Did they hurt you? What were you forced to do? How did you get away?" Brandi rambled on. "Okay one question at a time, my baby. First, I am fine. No they didn't hurt me only lock me in a dark room alone and only fed me, it at least had a bathroom attached that I could access. Secondly I was only forced to find the exact location of a vampire called Zayn. And lastly Ashton's mom, Alicia helped me escape from there. They still think that they have me captive but actually they have a pig who we made look like me." Brandi's mom explained. "So you want me to help with a specific spell?" Brandi's mom asked Alicia. "Yes. That is if Ashton still wants this." Alicia said looking towards Ashton. So do you want to change and get rid of being a ripper. And being just a simple vampire that is a half blood shape-shifter, Ashton?" Alicia asked Ashton. "Um, Luke can I ask you something before I do this? Will you officially be my boyfriend and forgive me for everything that happened this past while?" Ashton asked Luke. Luke looked at Ashton knowing that he would do anything for Ashton as he was actually in love with Ashton for the first time in his life he was in love so he decided to approach Ashton slowly. He wrapped his arms around Ashton's neck and whispered in his ear. "Yeah, so let's get this spell done to get out of here." Luke insisted. Ashton was so happy and excited that he approached his mom and said to her: "I will do it but hurry up. I have something special planned after this." So they did the spell.

Just as they were done and Ashton and Luke was about to leave Sierra showed up in the clearing. "Crystal you have to arrest Ashton as he is the one that was responsible for all of the murders." Sierra demanded standing looking at Ashton. "Really he was the one that killed who exactly?" Crystal asked looking confused at Sierra. "He killed Calum, he killed Calum's sister, he killed the doc and the local baker. That who!" Sierra concluded angrily. "You mean this Calum." Crystal said pulling Calum forward. "Um yeah but how are you alive?" Sierra asked Calum. "I just am." Calum replied. "Ok what about your sister and the rest of the people." Sierra replied smugly. "You mean me." Mali Koa said as she stepped forward. "UH, uh. What the HELL!" Sierra demanded. "Um sorry for your information but I forgot to tell you the doc and the baker left town they didn't die like you believe." Crystal insisted." So there is no bodies meaning no crime." Crystal insisted. "Well at least I'm able to get Zayn and take his heart back to my family." Sierra concluded "Zayn? I don't see him. I only see a group of people that is not Zayn. So I suggest that you leave before I will let your family know what shame you have brought to them. Can't even track the vampire that you are hunting properly. Now leave. Good grief. See yah!" Alicia said looking at Sierra.

When Sierra left Zayn transformed back to himself. "I am going to take your father home now. You and Luke can now be happy. So can Michael and Calum." Alicia told Ashton. "And for you Brandi look after yourself and Crystal take care of my family and their friends, please." Alicia said looking at Brandi and Crystal.

Afterwards Calum and Michael decided to run club Teeth together. And Ashton and Luke moved in together. Mali Koa moved in to the town as well and was hired by Brandi as her second in command. Since then there were no more murders in town.


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